Keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook pages since we often post quickie updates there when we're on-the-go.
During tours, we do our best to cover setlists in real-time on Twitter. If you want to tweet a show in, just DM or @ us on the day and tell us to watch your stream that night.
Tori is touring in 2017 to support the release of Native Invader. The European legs runs from early September through early October and the North American leg runs from late October to early December. We do not know if additional dates elsewhere will be added.
Be sure to check out our other sections, Tour — where setlists and other concert-related material will be updated daily while Tori is on tour — and You. Lots of interesting stuff!
Benjamin Law writes in to tell us that he recently had the honor of interviewing Tori for Frankie, an Australian magazine at which he is a senior writer. The full interview will be, of course, published in a forthcoming issue, sometime before Tori’s Australian tour. Yes, you heard that right. Australian tour. During the interview, she confirmed that the ADP world tour would be taking her back Down Under:
I’m coming in September. We’re doing Australia, don’t you worry, posse’s coming to Australia. And the show starts [with] four different girls. Well, there’s four different starts, so it depends on what show you go to. And then after a fashion [swap], then Tori comes out.
Benjamin was also kind enough to provide us with an excerpt from the interview which takes a novel approach: the questions are lyrics from her previous work.
Is it sweet, your sting?
Not always. I’d like to tell you that it was. If I’m able to step into a compassionate place, then it can be sweet. However, if you cross the line — and that might have to do with my daughter — then you know what? I’m going to rip your arm off. And I won’t even add salt to it. You’re going to lose an appendage. If somebody starts winding up your child, then I just say, “Enough. Deal with the big girls. You wanna play that? You play with momma. I’ll play with you all fucking day, motherfucker.” That’s how I am, as a mother. Ferocious.
Australian fans, keep your eyes on newsstands between now and September! sent out a newsletter this afternoon which kicks off the first of several newsletters which will present the five women in the Doll Posse.
Today’s mailing introduced the Clyde persona. EverythingTori also posted a new entry with the same information. Both include links to stream a song of Clyde’s, “Bouncing Off Clouds”, in a variety of audio formats (Realaudio, Quicktime, and Windows media for dial-up and broadband). They also confirmed the location of Clyde’s blog and provides a short description of the character drawn from the album’s promo kit (which, if it wasn’t already obvious, was where the Starpulse article got its material):
Clyde, who draws from Persephone, wears her emotional wounds on her sleeve, but remains idealistic. She is looking at the effects of not being a whole person. She is trying to figure out what she believes in and she is dealing with having been disappointed in her life.
A new member of the Posse will be introduced each week — though whether or a not a new song is made available is not yet known.
BMac writes in to say that Musicload, a German digital music retailer, has added a page for American Doll Posse which includes 30 second clips of all songs from the album! You can listen to each clip by clicking on the little speaker icon in the far right column of the track listing. As of now, you can’t buy any songs from the album, of course, but that will be possible on April 27th, when the record is released in Germany.
(What is it about the Germans and early preview clips? Something in der Wasser? Oder vielleicht, das Bier!)
UPDATE: Peccable and Fabz point out that the Musicload page for “Bouncing Off Clouds” features the cover art for the single. And now, so does Undented.
Pip’s blog has finally been found. (Toriphile Crystal gets props on being the first to find it using the hints in Santa’s blog.)
The word of the week has definitely been “politics.” Yes, indeed, lots of pi-pi-pi-pi-politics.
“The way to really combat the right wing is to not be subservient to them on any level, particularly when it comes to ideology,” she continued. “Therefore, you better offer up another ideology that can combat theirs, and as a preacher’s daughter, I understand their ideology inside and out. Frankly, they’ve all hijacked Jesus and his message. I’m sorry, but ‘Love thy neighbor as yourself’ is nowhere to be found, especially in our current regime, who, in the name of God, is sending our young men and women to die over there [in the Middle East].” — Tori Amos
Toni and Fabz let us know that has a new article this morning about Tori and American Doll Posse. This is one of Tori’s most politics-heavy interviews to date. (Does anyone else hear Tori’s “Sweet Dreams” in their head while reading this, or is it just me?)
Tori Amos Forms Anti-Bush Posse By Mutating Into Greek Goddesses
Reviewing a purely instrumental album is difficult. What can you really say about it? Most people listen to instrumental music in the background, letting it wash over them subconsciously. What I learned after repeatedly trying to absorb String Quartet Tribute To Tori Amos Vol. 2: Pieces in this way is that one should NOT make the mistake of doing that with this album: I discovered that the more I sat still and listened to it, the more impressive it became.
“Bouncing Off Clouds,” the European single, is hitting the airwaves. Studio Brussel added the song to their playlist today.
(We hope it’s okay to say “bouncing” on European radio.)
Thanks to Sanne and Fabz for catching this.
Tori will play the Provinssirock festival in Finland on June 15th. (English version.)
You can currently purchase 3-day tickets at or Day tickets and 2-day tickets will be on sale soon.
Thanks to Petri and Joni.
Uh-oh, “Big Wheel” seems to be having big problems getting played on many radio stations in the U.S. Toriphile Bryan contacted station WAPS 91.3 in Akron, Ohio, to ask when they’d start playing the single, and the station’s programming director told him that Epic “goofed big-time” by “releasing a single with a frequently-repeated obscene acronym.” Seems they are unable to play it, and many other stations across the country are in the same boat. Epic is apparently scrambling for a Plan B, attempting an edit of the song, but the term is scattered through the song so liberally it may not be possible without sounding all chopped up.
So this MILF thing is causing all sorts of milfing problems. What the milf? Pictures of Britney’s hoohoo get plastered across the Internet, but you can’t say “MILF” on the radio in 2007? It’s just a milfing acronym. Well, for an album intended to highlight the political in American society, the puritanical ass-backwardness of media politics seems as good a place to start as any.
We think “Bouncing Off Clouds” would do better as a single anyway, in case anyone is listening. [woj sez: do we Violet? Do we really?]
“Because mythology is no longer taught, you get watered-down versions of the Greek goddesses in pop stars. Hollywood made a good job of creating icons in the ’30s and ’40s, they understood a story. Now, give ‘em a haircut and some clothes and they think they can pull off Aphrodite.” -Tori Amos
There’s a Q&A with Tori in the upcoming (#162, May 2007) issue of Mojo Magazine. According to the Mojo website, it’s supposed to hit newsstands on April 4th, but some stores may put it out early. We don’t have much info on it right now, but if anyone can transcribe or let us know more about it, we’ll add it here. The interview is on page 30 and Tori talks about Greek goddesses, sports cars, and yet another interviewer uses the horrid “k” word. [ Update. ]
Thanks to Fabz for sending this in; cheers to Adam for sending in a transctiption, Emma and Andy for sending in a scan and RaSpBeRrY◊SLUT from The Afterglow for posting scans and a transcription.