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In Memory Of Violet's Husband, Kim Flint
1969 - 2010

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    Tour Status

    Tori is touring in 2017 to support the release of Native Invader. The European legs runs from early September through early October and the North American leg runs from late October to early December. We do not know if additional dates elsewhere will be added.

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    Current Release

    Native Invader (album, 2017)
    Recent Releases

    Unrepentant Geraldines (album, 2014)

    Gold Dust (album, 2012)

    Night of Hunters (album, 2011)

    Midwinter Graces (album, 2009)
    Abnormally Attracted To Sin (album, 2009)

    Live at Montreux 1991/1992 (DVD, 2008)

    American Doll Posse (album, 2007)

    A Piano (boxed set, 2006)

    Pretty Good Years
    (bio, 2006)

    Fade To Red
    (DVD, 2006)
    Cherries On Top
    comic book tattoo Comic Book Tattoo (book, 2008)

    News: Articles

    Be sure to check out our other sections, Tour — where setlists and other concert-related material will be updated daily while Tori is on tour — and You. Lots of interesting stuff!

    Washington Blade Interview (December 1, 2011)

    Sunday, December 04, 2011 | 16:48 UTC | Posted by woj | Articles

    I think to some degree, that isn’t really any of my business. People have their own relationships with the songs. What maybe gets confusing is when people start trying to read so much into the songs that they think that I’m leaving my husband and child and running off with somebody from the planet Saturn and joining a cult and that’s just not happening.

    In the run-up to Monday’s show at DAR Constitution Hall, an interview by Joey DiGuglielmo appeared in the December 1st edition of The Washington Blade. Their conversation hit on some of the usual topics — how the Night of Hunters project came to be, the touring configuration to support the album — but also veered into a few areas that haven’t been at the forefront as much, such as Tori’s thoughts on fans, homosexuality and the practicality of impractical shoes (no, really!)


    New York Magazine Vulture Interview (December 1, 2011)

    Saturday, December 03, 2011 | 17:44 UTC | Posted by woj | Articles

    The idea was that I’d take male masters, not female, and then permeate and penetrate them as a woman. That was exciting to me. Because they’re dead. If we were going to create a new being, they became the egg and I acted as the penetrator. But in the most loving way!

    Tori was interviewed by Gwynne Watkins for New York Magazine’s arts & entertainment section Vulture and the ensuing article was posted on Thursday, December 1st. In it, Tori talks about her thoughts on Night of Hunters, the decision to stick with male composers as the album’s starting point, working with her daughter Natashya on the record, and the challenge and rewards of parenthood.


    Washington Post Express Interview (December 1, 2011)

    Saturday, December 03, 2011 | 17:26 UTC | Posted by woj | Articles

    The string quartet on the record is coming out with us. They’re Polish boys in their 20s and 30s, and they shred like nobody’s business. It’s like a hurricane of vodka coming through their wood.

    The Washington Post Express deemed Tori worthy, as many of us would agree, of being the cover story for the this week’s Weekend Pass section. The article isn’t as much an interview as a concert preview for Monday’s show at DAR Constitution Hall but, in addition to discussing Night of Hunters, it does include a few quotable quotes about the record and touring with the Apollon Musagète Quartett.

    In addition, Brian Taylor, the illustrator who did the artwork for the insert cover, has posted about it on his blog — very nifty!


    USA Today Interview (November 28, 2011)

    Tuesday, November 29, 2011 | 01:12 UTC | Posted by woj | Articles

    I’ve been fascinated with mythology. I can’t do math, I can’t count, but I can find structure in stories.

    USA TODAY featured a sweet little interview with Tori in their November 28th edition. In it, Tori talks about wanting to give classical music a face-lift with Night of Hunters, touring with a string quartet (though if Andreas Ottensamer is joining the merry band, that’s certainly news to us!) and Celtic mythology’s influence on the new album. Check it out over at USA TODAY!

    [UPDATE: We’re sorry to say we have confirmation that Andreas will NOT be on the U.S. tour.]

    Thanks to Lorna for the link!


    DStv Interview (November 22, 2011)

    Sunday, November 27, 2011 | 19:04 UTC | Posted by woj | Articles,TV/Radio/Web

    It has to be a conversation so I, as Tori, have to get out of the way, and allow the songs to take over my being. The piano, itself, plays me. If you can surrender like that, you really just become a vessel, and that’s a tremendous charge for me. We’re magical beings.

    Tori was DStv’s Artist of the Week last week and their post about her includes both a video piece with some interview clips and an article about her visit to South Africa, the making of Night of Hunters and performing. Check out the video, which they also kindly posted on YouTube, below and jump the cut for the article.


    Heineken Music Interview (November 17, 2011)

    Sunday, November 27, 2011 | 18:46 UTC | Posted by woj | Articles

    I don’t think about [pop culture], to be honest. I think it’s more fun to keep creating, and to be a creative force. I’d like to see myself known as a composer – and I’m fairly sure that my work will move into that area. I’m not sure where it’s all going, of course, but I’d like to think I’m carving my own niche for what feels right at the time – to me, anyway.

    Tori spoke to John Erne for Heineken Music and the interview was posted on earlier this month. The brief conversation discusses Night of Hunters, Tori’s Irish home in Kinsale and her thoughts on pop culture.

    A tip o’the hat to lilfaerie for sending this our way!


    The New Age Interview (November 17, 2011)

    Sunday, November 27, 2011 | 18:34 UTC | Posted by woj | Articles

    There was more freedom in some ways than when you’re making a pop contemporary record. Stylistically, with a contemporary record, no different than fashion: you need to be forward thinking. You need to look at what is occurring sonically. What other records are making statements about. This kind of work is about architecture, structure, and you have a lot more room in alternative classic to build than you do in the pop field.

    Back during the three show run in Johannesburg, Tori chatted with Clayton Swanepoel for The New Age and the interview appeared in the November 17th edition of that publication. The interview touched on Tori’s feelings about visiting South Africa for the first time, the music industry and, of course, Night of Hunters though, unlike some other interviews, in the context of contrasting with with pop records, such as Scarlet’s Walk.

    Many thanks to lilfaerie and Anina for the link!


    Windy City Times Interview (November 16, 2011)

    Sunday, November 27, 2011 | 18:33 UTC | Posted by woj | Articles

    You can sing Kumbaya if you want but get out and vote. I am not being MTV Rock the Vote. I am being much more pragmatic about it and almost threatening. If those of us want to see the world in a more accepting way and don’t participate then our world may not look the way we want it to in five years time.

    Jerry Nunn interviewed Tori for the Chicago-based LGBT news publication the Windy City Times. The conversation spanned topics from the origins of Night of Hunters to picking out songs to perform on tour with the Apollon Musagète Quartett and took a political turn with Tori encouraging the gay community to get involved and to vote during the 2012 elections in the United States.

    Thanks to Thomas for being the first of several people to let us know about this interview.


    Cape Argus Interview (November 13, 2011)

    Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 03:34 UTC | Posted by woj | Articles

    There is more than one [Bösendorfer] that I have a relationship with, but they all get along. We have to make decisions about which travel best because of changes in temperature and humidity. I’ve never played one I didn’t find magical and I can’t wait to meet yours.

    Tori chatted with Evan Milton for the Cape Argus newspaper. While the article originally appeared in the Good Weekend section of the paper’s November 13th edition, that particular article does not appear to have made it to their website. Fortunately, it was reprinted in Tonight, which is where we’ve linked it from. The article addresses the South African tour, her plans for what those shows would be like, an explanation for the Apollon Musagète Quartett’s break from the tour and some interesting gossip about the pianos used on the tour.

    Thanks again to Ben for the link to this interesting piece!


    Cape Times Interview (November 14, 2011)

    Wednesday, November 16, 2011 | 03:33 UTC | Posted by woj | Articles

    I’ve never been able to simply pick a topic and write about it. I know of writers that watch others and write about what they see. I’m not good at doing that. I have to experience it first-hand. I must taste and feel it. If you don’t know the language of your subject, you simply cannot tell the tale.

    Jason Curtis spoke to Tori for the Cape Times and his article appeared in the November 14th edition of that paper (as well as on Tonight, an online entertainment site run by the publishers of the Cape Times). In their discussion, they touch on her first visit to South Africa, Night of Hunters, her philosophy on playing live and her approach to song-writing.

    Many thanks to Stoff for the tip!