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Tori is touring in 2017 to support the release of Native Invader. The European legs runs from early September through early October and the North American leg runs from late October to early December. We do not know if additional dates elsewhere will be added.
Be sure to check out our other sections, Tour — where setlists and other concert-related material will be updated daily while Tori is on tour — and You. Lots of interesting stuff!
I never drink before shows. I drink Chinese tea and water. I also don’t eat for at least three hours before a show. This ensures that I’m entirely clear. I chew cinnamon gum before shows. This keeps my vocal cords wet, helping me to reach notes with lots of space to breathe.
In addition to publishing a review of the first concert in Johannesburg, The Times also ran a feature piees on Tor, focusing on her minimal rider requirements and fondness for wine. We certainly can’t fault either topic though it would have been nice to see a little more focus on the new record…and perhaps an slightly more outrageous quote to lead into this story!
Thanks to @ChantelErfort and Ben for the link!, a Web magazine for guys, has rated Tori and, through some unexplained ratings system, has given her a 56 for “sexiness” and a 74 for “success,” explaining, “It’s never been Tori’s physicality that’s made her sexy. Instead, it’s her ability to bare her soul in her music, her ability to tap into her emotions, sexuality, fears, anxieties, and insecurities that make her so desirable. Her fiery locks and pillow lips are by no means detractors, but when our dog dies, our bank account empties and The Jonas Brothers break up, it’s Tori’s shoulder that we’ll be looking to cry on, with a hit single entitled ‘My boyfriend’s dog left him and the Jonas Brothers broke up’ to follow.”
Have any other men’s magazines attempted to make Tori appealing to the stereotypical “type of guy who reads men’s magazines?” (Does that type of guy even exist?) This seems like an unusual audience for Tori’s music, and an unusual way of “selling” Tori, but if it helps people find her music, it can’t hurt, right? Thanks to Noah for the link.
So, many years on, still making records, each record is never approached casually. It’s not a casual exercise. It’s f**king ferocious. But there’s something quite sexy about it, too. It’s like I’ve heard surfers talk about riding these waves that could really wipe them out and kill them. Well, you know, making records can be like that too.
The Huffington Post’s Mike Ragogna recently chatted with Tori about Night of Hunters, working with master composers, and tricks to developing your identity as a songwriter. Thanks to mgktweety for the link.
Since we first started dating in 1994, my husband [a sound engineer] and I have had this culinary adventure, exploring different restaurants around the world, on “non-show days”. It’s part of the romance and it’s “our time”. Although our daughter Tash often accompanies us. We brought her to Le Caprice as a baby. She was loving mussels escargot at two.
In a unique and fascinating interview with the UK Observer, Tori talks about food, from a coffee mishap at 2 to her carnivorous leanings in the early 1990s. Yum, Susan!
I began to see that people were having a relationship with the songs, and I was really kind of a scribe for the consciousness of the songs to express themselves. And it took me a while to get it, but once I did, I found it really freeing. Because I thought, “You know, you’re a part of this, people aren’t directing this at you, don’t be confused, you don’t need to feel strange. This is people having a relationship with the song, and they’re choosing to tell you about it. They don’t have to tell you about it, Tori. So feel privileged that they are confiding in you.” And that took me a little while to get, but once I got it, I must tell you it was great feeling, like you’re part of a community.
The Onion’s AV Club has a new interview with Tori online today. In it, they show specific song clips or videos from throughout her catalogue and ask her to respond to them in some way. It makes for fascinating reading, but also makes it more difficult to duplicate here, so head on over there to check it out. Cheers to Christian for the link!
Tori loves her cover songs, and Alex Ramon, blogger at Boycotting Trends (and writer for Wears the Trousers and Pop Matters), recently turned his attention to Tori’s history covering other people’s music. The piece is a fun trek through the music Tori has covered over the years, from “If 6 was 9” to “Whoomp (There it Is)” and “Running to Stand Still.” Ramon writes, “An Amos cover is not necessarily an act of tribute to the song in question, nor does it represent a simple diversion for her from the “real graft” of original composition. Rather, it is a more complex encounter between an extant text and an artist who is expert at approaching songs from unusual angles and infusing them with her unique spirit and interpretive skills.” Click over to read the whole thing.
Some people say, I’d give anything to be 30 again. Well, I really wouldn’t. I didn’t enjoy being 30. Making ‘Little Earthquakes’ was great, but I didn’t have a calm and I didn’t know how to laugh. I think becoming a mom is the greatest gift that ever happened to me.
Tori sat down with Abbey Goodman for this CNN interview, which treads the familiar Night of Hunters terrain but also touches on the changes she made to The Light Princess in the process of making a musical, mothering Tash as a tween, and being desirable at (almost) 50. Thanks to the many of you who sent this in, including mkgtweety and Marie. Click through to read the whole thing.
If anybody calls themselves a Christian, I don’t see how you can ban consenting adults. I just don’t understand how you can see yourself as Christian and have no compassion for another person’s path. It goes against the Christ-like energy and light that I was brought up with.
Tori recently chatted with Pride Source’s Chris Azzopardi for a fun interview about Night of Hunters, working with classical music and having The Talk (about sexual orientation) with Tash. You can check it out here or click beyond the cut to see the whole thing. Thanks to Chris for the link!
The second part of Perez Hilton’s conversation with Tori has been posted! In this second of two segments, they discuss touring, Lady Gaga and celebrity. Enjoy!
As with the other portion, Perez kindly provided a transcript which you can read on his site or below…thanks again to Devin for the tip!
I wanted to explore the feeling that relationships right now can be very disposable. People call their divorce attorney so quickly — and I’m not saying that divorce isn’t the answer for some people, because it is — but, I do think there are people that don’t really want to look in the mirror and look soon enough.
Deborah Finding’s interview with Tori for Huffington Post Divorce (one of the Life & Style sections of that online newspaper) focuses on relationships and family, two topics that have come up often in many articles so far but, given some room to breath, turn out to have more meat on the bone than one might expect.
Thanks to sonja for the link!