Keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook pages since we often post quickie updates there when we're on-the-go.
During tours, we do our best to cover setlists in real-time on Twitter. If you want to tweet a show in, just DM or @ us on the day and tell us to watch your stream that night.
Tori is touring in 2017 to support the release of Native Invader. The European legs runs from early September through early October and the North American leg runs from late October to early December. We do not know if additional dates elsewhere will be added.
Be sure to check out our other sections, Tour — where setlists and other concert-related material will be updated daily while Tori is on tour — and You. Lots of interesting stuff!
Fabz writes in to alert everyone that songs from American Doll Posse will be previewed on the Radio Montecarlo program Monte Carlo Nights starting on April 17th. Then, on April 30th, Tori will be the in-studio guest during the Living Room segment of the show. The program starts at 10:00 PM and Tori will be on at 11:00 PM CET.
Radio Montecarlo broadcasts throughout Italy and can be streamed on the web as well.
As part of the American Doll Posse promotional push, Tori will be performing a mini-concert for Berlin radio station Radio Eins at the Kleiner Sendesaal des RBB on April 10th at 9:00 PM. With a capacity of 150 people, this small broadcast studio provides an unique and intimate opportunity for fans to see Tori perform four new songs from the album as well as a couple songs from her back catalog. It’s not clear whether or not this performance will be aired live or recorded for later broadcast.
Tickets to the radioconcert will be given away during the day on Tuesday so listen to the station for more details about how to get them. (Thanks to Yannick for clarifying that for us.)
“Big Wheel” is now the current champion of Indianapolis radio station WTTS’s Cage Match, one of those daily contests which pits songs against each other and listeners vote to see which song is most popular. Tori’s next competition will be Travis’ “Closer” on Monday night. If you’re so motivated, call in or e-mail the station on Monday evening after the songs are aired at 7:45 PM and maybe, if “Big Wheel” wins on ten consecutive nights, it too will be retired to their Cage Match Hall of Fame.
Thanks to Amy for the pointer!
“Bouncing Off Clouds,” the European single, is hitting the airwaves. Studio Brussel added the song to their playlist today.
(We hope it’s okay to say “bouncing” on European radio.)
Thanks to Sanne and Fabz for catching this.
Uh-oh, “Big Wheel” seems to be having big problems getting played on many radio stations in the U.S. Toriphile Bryan contacted station WAPS 91.3 in Akron, Ohio, to ask when they’d start playing the single, and the station’s programming director told him that Epic “goofed big-time” by “releasing a single with a frequently-repeated obscene acronym.” Seems they are unable to play it, and many other stations across the country are in the same boat. Epic is apparently scrambling for a Plan B, attempting an edit of the song, but the term is scattered through the song so liberally it may not be possible without sounding all chopped up.
So this MILF thing is causing all sorts of milfing problems. What the milf? Pictures of Britney’s hoohoo get plastered across the Internet, but you can’t say “MILF” on the radio in 2007? It’s just a milfing acronym. Well, for an album intended to highlight the political in American society, the puritanical ass-backwardness of media politics seems as good a place to start as any.
We think “Bouncing Off Clouds” would do better as a single anyway, in case anyone is listening. [woj sez: do we Violet? Do we really?]
CD101, The Alternative Station, in Columbus, Ohio will debut “Big Wheel” on Friday, March 30 between 3p.m. and 4:30p.m (19:00-20:30 UTC). Listen in central Ohio at 101.1FM and online at CD101.
You can now listen to “Big Wheel” in full on Tori’s MySpace.
Thanks to Peter, Randy, terry, and peter smith.
Idaho Toriphiles will want to turn their dials to 94.9 The River tomorrow, when the station is apparently going to premiere a new song on the Ken Bass and Tim Johnstone morning show. Serinekat, thanks for tuning in and letting us know!
At least one Australian Toriphile has had access denied when trying to listen to the clips on AOL Music. He gets a message saying the clips are “not currently available in your area.” Hrmph! Seems AOL is hosting these on the Not-Quite-The-World Wide Web corner of the Internet.
[Update: Seems European fans can’t listen, either. Guess “AOL” really does stand for America Online. It’s probably some issue with licensing, but that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, seeing as how this album’s going to be released worldwide. Ironic to think that Tori probably couldn’t even listen to her own clips from home.]
Kim alerted us that Tori came in at #10 on WYEP’s Top 50 Women In Music listener poll. She’s in very good company.