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In Memory Of Violet's Husband, Kim Flint
1969 - 2010

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    Tour Status

    Tori is touring in 2017 to support the release of Native Invader. The European legs runs from early September through early October and the North American leg runs from late October to early December. We do not know if additional dates elsewhere will be added.

    Other News Sources
    Current Release

    Native Invader (album, 2017)
    Recent Releases

    Unrepentant Geraldines (album, 2014)

    Gold Dust (album, 2012)

    Night of Hunters (album, 2011)

    Midwinter Graces (album, 2009)
    Abnormally Attracted To Sin (album, 2009)

    Live at Montreux 1991/1992 (DVD, 2008)

    American Doll Posse (album, 2007)

    A Piano (boxed set, 2006)

    Pretty Good Years
    (bio, 2006)

    Fade To Red
    (DVD, 2006)
    Cherries On Top
    comic book tattoo Comic Book Tattoo (book, 2008)

    News: TV/Radio/Web

    Be sure to check out our other sections, Tour — where setlists and other concert-related material will be updated daily while Tori is on tour — and You. Lots of interesting stuff!

    Live With Kelly & Michael & Tori Next Monday

    Wednesday, July 09, 2014 | 04:01 UTC | Posted by woj | TV/Radio/Web

    As confirmed on the program’s website, Tori will be the musical guest on Live with Kelly & Michael on Monday, July 14th. The syndicated program is carried on numerous television stations across the United States — check their station finder to find a station near you that does and what time it is on. Or set those DVRs. Or both.

    Thanks to Lindsay for the tip!

    By the way, we certainly wouldn’t be surprised to see some other television appearances added once the tour is underway. Keep an eye on Sue Trowbridge’s Late Night Lineups for guest information for national programs as well as your local listings on the off-chance that some regional appearances occur. If we hear of any, we’ll be sure to get the word out.

    Last Week In Tori...And The Weeks Before That Too...

    Wednesday, July 09, 2014 | 03:35 UTC | Posted by woj | Articles,TV/Radio/Web

    This time last week, South Africa, basking in the afterglow of the final show on the Unrepentant Geraldines Tour southern swing, was waving farewell to Tori as North America prepared for the tour to return to its shores and pick up again on the West Coast come mid-July. Between the pleasantries of Independence Day here in the States and the unpleasant intrusion of real life, the site has been a bit dormant so here’s a not-so-quick summary of recent happenings to get everyone — particularly ourselves — caught up.

    First, a recap of the other things that happened during the South African tour while we were focusing on the live shows themselves.

    • To prime the promotional pump, Tori reflected on her 2011 South African tour and the current tour in an interview with Rebecca Jackman for The Cape Times.
    • The first Johannesburg concert earned a rave review from Nicola Beach for What’s On In Cape Town as well as some lovely press from City Buzz’s Graeme Shackleford.
    • On June 30th, during the afternoon before the second Cape Town show, Tori visited the studios of Cape Talk 567 to talk to Pippa Hudson. The radio station kindly shared the complete audio of their excellent conversation on Soundcloud for everyone who may have missed it.
    • On the same day, Tori also chatted with News24’s Jennifer Sanasie about the tour, Tori’s daughter Natashya, and Under the Pink. Video of that interview is available from Channel24.
    • The Daily Maverick also got in the game with an article summarizing Tori’s career that appeared in that news website following the tour.

    And, from the non-South-African department…

    • “Promise” has been announced to be the second single from Unrepentant Geraldines. A video, which features both Tori and Tash, was shot for it in between the European and South African legs of the tour.
    • Trevor Moss and Hannah-Lou, who opened for most of the European leg of the tour, have been announced as the opening act for the North American leg as well.
    • Back in April, while the pre-album release promo tour was in New York City, Tori spent some time record shopping with Nylon’s Jade Taylor. A couple photos surfaced on Instagram back then…but now the article, which includes a photo gallery of their visit to Generation Records, is on Nylon’s website.
    • Chris Azzopardi interviewed Tori for, touching on the new record, her career, past and present, and Tori’s relationship with the gay community.
    • Swide’s Ben Taylor spoke with about Unrepentant Geraldines, being a parent and the on-going work on The Light Princess cast recording.
    • Süddeutche Zeitung has a series of articles called “Sagen Sie jetzt nichts” (“Now say nothing”) in which personalities are asked questions and they respond wordlessly with expressions or gestures which are photographed. Tori was the subject of this series in the June 27th edition of the magazine answering questions ranging from “Where do you sing the most?” to “What is the first thing you would do if you were a man for a day?”
    • FaceCulture posted a two-part video interview with Tori that was conducted while she was passing through Holland earlier on the tour.
    • Alex Macpherson sat down with Tori for The Quietus and ended up looking back at some of the less-discussed songs from her back catalog — though they also took a close look at a couple songs from the new record as well.
    • Stereogum listed the 10 best Tori Amos songs which SoSoGay countered with the 10 best Tori Amos songs you (probably) haven’t heard. Meanwhile, PopMatters decided a better top 10 would be the 10 songs Tori Amos should cover, perhaps in response to Alex Ramon’s summary of notable covers thus far on the Unrepentant Geraldines tour which, disappointingly, only includes 9 selections! In any case, once we get enough Tori listicles, we promise to list our ten favorites!
    • Martijn Tulp interviewed Tori for the July issue of Gay & Night. The article, in which Tori revealed that she’d love to be a judge on RuPaul’s Drag Race, is available online via issuu.
    • Brian Ives, who fleshed out the news of The Light Princess cast recording back in May, had the rest of his interview with Tori for published back in the beginning of June. The article also includes video footage from their discussion.
    • Dan Loughry interviewed for Frontiers magazine.
    • Bitch Magazine interviewed Tori, discussing the new record and feminism.
    • Boxx also had a feature interview with Tori during which she summarized the work on The Light Princess and addressed the state of the music industry for women.
    • Finally, Pop Sugar declares Tori hasn’t changed one bit since the 90s. Mmmm hmmmm.

    Phew! Thanks to Mike Minanian, mkgtweety, Erin, Scott, choirguy, Lorna, Jennifer, and several anonymous contributors for all the links! We appreciate it!

    Fernsehgarten (June 8, 2014)

    Sunday, June 08, 2014 | 13:10 UTC | Posted by woj | TV/Radio/Web,Video

    Tori was on the ZDF program Fernsehgarten this morning, for a lip-sync performance of “Trouble’s Lament” on an open-air stage surrounded by clapping Germans.

    While she is prominently featured on the sliding program grid on ZDF’s home page (if you go over far enough), she’s barely mentioned on the page for today’s program…but video of the appearance is available in ZDF’s archive — as well as on Youtube (although, apparently, not in Germany):

    Thanks to DocSnyder for the video links!

    DAS! (June 1, 2014)

    Sunday, June 01, 2014 | 18:54 UTC | Posted by woj | TV/Radio/Web

    A little appearance was aired on the the German television program DAS! on NDR today.

    During the clip, in which Tori is overdubbed, she answers questions about touring, her early years playing music in gay bars, Y Kant Tori Read, and her relationship with the piano. It also includes a bit of video from the Hamburg concert.

    The complete 32 minute interview is also available on NDR’s website.

    Many thanks to fanola for letting us know about this!

    Update: The full interview has surfaced on YouTube…

    God Kveld Norge (May 31, 2014)

    Sunday, June 01, 2014 | 17:02 UTC | Posted by woj | TV/Radio/Web

    A brief appearance on the Norwegian television program God Kveld Norge was aired on May 31st. During the spot, which was recorded before the Oslo concert on May 22nd, Tori discussed the impact of her rape and the healing and recovery, particularly with respect to her family’s help in bringing that about.

    Video of the clip is now available on TV2’s website, along with an article that summarizes the appearance. Or just watch it on Youtube:

    Meet The Musician: Tori Amos

    Thursday, May 29, 2014 | 03:57 UTC | Posted by woj | TV/Radio/Web,Video

    On the afternoon of May 20th, the day of the at Berlin’s Tempdrom, Tori appeared at the Kurfürstendamm Apple Store to discuss Unrepentant Geraldines in front of a live audience. In addition to discussing the record with moderator Johnny Haeusler, she fielded a number of questions from audience members as well.

    The complete interview is available as a free video download as the latest episode of the Meet the Musician podcast on iTunes.

    The appearance has also been uploaded to Youtube (of course) so if you do not use iTunes, you can watch is here too:

    Go' Morgen Danmark (May 24, 2014)

    Wednesday, May 28, 2014 | 01:58 UTC | Posted by woj | TV/Radio/Web

    Tori was on the television program Go’ Morgen Danmark on TV2 on Saturday, May 24th to promote that evening’s concert in Copenhagen. There was a brief interview segment first followed by a performance of “Trouble’s Lament” later in the show.

    Check them out below through the wondrous magic of Youtube! Thanks to Mads Grimstad for uploading those videos!

    NRK Radio Appearances (May 22/23, 2014)

    Wednesday, May 28, 2014 | 01:58 UTC | Posted by woj | TV/Radio/Web

    While in Oslo at the end this past week, Tori swung by Norwegian public radio NRK and appeared on two programs. Both are available for listening on-demand though November so you have no excuse if you miss ‘em now.

    First, she was the special guest on the NRK P13 program Siri & Co. (warning! auto-plays!) on Thursday, May 22nd with the first half of the two hour program devoted entirely to Tori and her music. There was no live performances but lots of interesting conversation and songs covering her entire career, as well as discussion of her inspiration and artistry.

    Second, on Friday, June 23rd, a brief interview with Tori was included during the NRK P2 program Spillerom (warning! auto-plays!). The clip includes discussion of anger in her art, the use of humor in “Giant’s Rolling Pin,” the song “Promise,” and the mythology of selkies. Again, there is no live performance but the entirety of “Selkie” was played as well as clips of the two other songs discussed.

    Thanks to EarWithFeet and Kirsti for the tips about these two radio spots!

    WFUV Live Session Airs Tonight

    Thursday, May 22, 2014 | 15:05 UTC | Posted by woj | TV/Radio/Web

    Just a quick reminder that the session and interview with Kara Manning recorded for WFUV back in April during the promotional swing through New York City will be aired tonight at 9:00 PM EDT. Tune in at 90.7 on your FM dial, online or via a plethora of other listening options.

    WFUV let the cat out of the bag by posting video of three live songs on Youtube overnight. If you want to spoil yourself for the broadcast, jump the cut to check them out.

    Update: Audio, videos and photos of the session have been posted on WFUV’s website!


    Culture Studio Session The Day Before Yesterday!

    Sunday, May 18, 2014 | 14:55 UTC | Posted by woj | TV/Radio/Web

    Last weekend, when the tour was swinging through Glasgow, there was some chatter on Twitter from David Scott, BBC broadcaster and frontman for The Pearlfishers, about interviewing Tori for BBC Radio Scotland.

    Guess we didn’t keep a watchful enough eye on things as the broadcast of that interview — and session — on the Friday, May 16th episode of The Culture Studio with Janice Forsyth slipped by without notice. Fortunately, the program is on iPlayer through the coming Friday so all of us who missed it can give it a listen.

    The interview leads off the second hour of the program (well, after a tune from Kim wilde) and includes a performance of “Trouble’s Lament.” However, don’t miss a second session track recorded for the program, “Baker Baker,” which was played during the first hour, around the 42 minute mark.

    The conversation is also available as a download from the Culture Studio Picks podcast. However, note that the podcast does not include the complete performance of “Trouble’s Lament” or any of “Baker Baker,” so you’ll have to go to the iPlayer stream to catch everything.