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During tours, we do our best to cover setlists in real-time on Twitter. If you want to tweet a show in, just DM or @ us on the day and tell us to watch your stream that night.
Tori is touring in 2017 to support the release of Native Invader. The European legs runs from early September through early October and the North American leg runs from late October to early December. We do not know if additional dates elsewhere will be added.
The Times’ Dan Cairns takes Tori to task for Abnormally Attracted to Sin, giving it 2 out of 5 stars in a short but pointed review.
Tori Amos: Abnormally Attracted to Sin
Dan Cairns
Her oft-stated contention that much of her music emerges, unbidden, from the ether, and that she is no more than a conduit, gives Tori Amos a get-out clause. Being an artist who is vehicular, rather than imposing her own will on the albums she releases, allows the Cornwall-based American a freedom to roam (and indulge herself) that the rigour of creative striving — which plenty of songwriters seem to put up with — might, she implies, curtail. Her 10th studio album, all 18 tracks of it, cries out for a firm editorial hand, for someone to take Amos aside and say: “Look, love, why don’t we try making a record without the ether for once?” Shapeless, piano-led disquisitions on sin, sex and war lack any of the shape and sharpness her best songs had; instead, they meander aimlessly, pointlessly. That’s the ether for you: no discipline.