News Archives
Keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook pages since we often post quickie updates there when we're on-the-go.
During tours, we do our best to cover setlists in real-time on Twitter. If you want to tweet a show in, just DM or @ us on the day and tell us to watch your stream that night.
Tori is touring in 2017 to support the release of Native Invader. The European legs runs from early September through early October and the North American leg runs from late October to early December. We do not know if additional dates elsewhere will be added.
Question: I can’t seem to pull it up or find the correct name for it, but I adored this feature you had where you kept track of what Tori played on any particular tour and did a percentage of how many times she played it and in which city. I love that stats page and I would like to volunteer (if you need help) to do this tour. — Melinda
Answer: You’re thinking of Sped Erstad’s Tori Amos Setlist Database, which is linked in the right column of our Tour page under “Useful Tour Stuffs.” And it’s back for the Night Of Hunters tour. Go nuts!