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Keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook pages since we often post quickie updates there when we're on-the-go.
During tours, we do our best to cover setlists in real-time on Twitter. If you want to tweet a show in, just DM or @ us on the day and tell us to watch your stream that night.
Tori is touring in 2017 to support the release of Native Invader. The European legs runs from early September through early October and the North American leg runs from late October to early December. We do not know if additional dates elsewhere will be added.
A week on and a few more reviews of last Wednesday’s Royal Albert Hall concert have rolled in.
Italian music website SpazioRock declared the performance “a magical and unique night” while The Fly takes a slightly more sober tack, appreciating the “charming” performance but ultimately finding the orchestra little too constraining for their tastes. Finally, Clash Music effusively decreed the show “a triumphant evening for an artist who has consistently thought outside the box, and is now exploding it from the inside.” (Whoa!)
The Clash Music review also includes a gallery of photographs from the which we ganked the little picture adorning this story.