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During tours, we do our best to cover setlists in real-time on Twitter. If you want to tweet a show in, just DM or @ us on the day and tell us to watch your stream that night.
Tori is touring in 2017 to support the release of Native Invader. The European legs runs from early September through early October and the North American leg runs from late October to early December. We do not know if additional dates elsewhere will be added.
While in Amsterdam last month, Tori did an interview with the Dutch magazine Revu which, as MarianneRose pointed out to us, has now been posted on their website. Tori discusses the album’s origin, the dolls’ evolution as the tour progresses and “Honey”. You can watch it on Revu’s website or, unsurprisingly, on YouTube:
Here’s a transcript of what she says in this interview.
The music started to come first and as the music started to come, then… it’s very much about a treasure hunt. You don’t always know… you don’t know the end of a work when it begins planting its seed in you. So, it takes a lot of patience to allow it to show itself to you. And yet, the music was giving me clues about what the characters would become.
It’s challenging and it’s… but I must tell you if you think about it this way, there isn’t a safety net there and I like it. If I was putting this out in a novel form then you have the editors and there’s time. It gets packaged and it’s gets given to the people. Right now, you see, the story’s changing. Clyde’s next blog will be different than it would have been a week and a half ago because she’s played Paris and things have happened to all the girls in Paris. And things have been happening since we arrived here. So stories are changing because of real events.
It seems as if some of the dolls are covering Tori song. There are a few songs. Clyde covered Little Amsterdam. Because it seemed to me as it was coming together in soundcheck yesterday that the Clyde character could really understand that angst between this male authority force and … we needed, in our narrative, to have something like that. So, yeah, she covered a Tori song.
When you listen to music that has reflected your life… At the time, when you’re going through it, the music sounds very different then when you’ve come through that event and years later, you’re looking back. Because, when I listen to the music now, I don’t always focus on the tragedies that wrote the music, I can maybe remember the recording of it. Or, there may be a little detail…something funny happened that day.
There was a song that I kicked off the last minute on Under The Pink. It’s a song called “Honey” and I always regretted doing that and I still do. I can safely sit here and say, “it was a mistake.”