Keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook pages since we often post quickie updates there when we're on-the-go.
During tours, we do our best to cover setlists in real-time on Twitter. If you want to tweet a show in, just DM or @ us on the day and tell us to watch your stream that night.
This is a bit longish, but it's mostly to answer questions you may have in advance.
To submit photos of yourself with Tori, mail them to this special T+T gallery address with the subject "T+T Gallery," so that it's crystal clear to us that you want your photos included in this particular section of the site. "Your photos" means photos of Y-O-U and Tori. Please don't send photos in for other people. Let them decide if they want their pic here or not. (More on this in the "Additional notes" section below.)
Include the following [the "Just Tell Me Exactly What I Need To Do" instructions]:
• Attach your photo(s). (Please keep image height to 640px or under and file size under 100kb. If you can't resize, we can do it for you, but if you can that will help us get them up quicker.)
• The name you want us to use for you. It must be unique. (See the "Additional notes" section below to find out why it must be unique and to get suggestions on choosing a good name.)
• A short description about the photo. (Where/when the photo was taken.) If you want to tell a little story about the pic, go ahead and we'll quote you. Have a look through the gallery to get some ideas of what other people have said.
Additional notes [extra "Uncut Special-Edition Cast Commentary" details]:
• When choosing a name, pick something unique, as this is the way you will be indentified in this gallery, and how other fans will find your photos. It is also the name you will be listed under in a Profiles section, when we get one going [see next paragraph]. You can use a handle-type nickname, but you don't don’t have to. You can use your real name. We just need names to be unique for each person. So you can use a name like “John Smith” or "John Smith (in Baltimore)" or “John Q. Smith” or “johnny” or “John S.” or “JohnS” or "John - UK" or "John / icicle98." Whatever you like, however you'd like it formatted. We just can’t have 20 different people who are simply listed as “John.” And your name will be sorted by the first letter, so if you're John in the UK and you want your name to indicate that, you'd probably want to use "John - UK" rather than "UK John."
• If you've submitted photos to us in the past, use the same name you used for that. We will eventually have a Profiles section. Among other things, we hope to allow visitors to view all photos you've taken when they're looking at your profile. We'll need to be able to connect your photos and profile together using your unique username; that's why it's important that you use the same name each time you submit ... so that ALL your photos can be included in your profile (this only applies to pics you've taken personally, not official media photos).
• If you've taken a photo of a friend with Tori, please don't submit it under your name ... have that person submit it under their name. If you are in a group shot — a real group shot where you are posing, not a shot where strangers from the crowd happen to be standing near you — tell us which person is you. Also check to make sure that friends/acquaintances in the photo are okay with having their faces on Undented; if they aren't (or you can't contact them to find out), please blur their faces in the photo before sending it in.
• Don't have any photos of you with Tori, but you want to submit a photo just of you? Send it in! (If you have a pic of you holding a Tori album or wearing a Tori shirt, even better!) As mentioned, we'll eventually have a Profiles section where Toriphiles can include photos of themselves, so until that's up, we'll go ahead and post them here.
NOTE ABOUT CONCERT PAGES: We may eventually devise a way to make T+T photos automatically show on concert pages and/or be viewable by concert/city. In the meantime, we'll keep pics of individuals and Tori confined to this section.