Keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook pages since we often post quickie updates there when we're on-the-go.
During tours, we do our best to cover setlists in real-time on Twitter. If you want to tweet a show in, just DM or @ us on the day and tell us to watch your stream that night.
Tori is touring in 2017 to support the release of Native Invader. The European legs runs from early September through early October and the North American leg runs from late October to early December. We do not know if additional dates elsewhere will be added.
Be sure to check out our other sections, Tour — where setlists and other concert-related material will be updated daily while Tori is on tour — and You. Lots of interesting stuff!
Nemi appears every weekday in daily UK newspaper, Metro. (Thanks to Gaelle and Paul.)
Eagle-eyed Darrin spotted a special edition of American Doll Posse being listed on It has the same release date as the album’s regular edition but a special bonus price of $24.98 (at least for the time being — no doubt the price will come down as the release date nears). Unfortunately, no other details are included in the listing, but one would assume that this the CD/DVD version of the album which is referenced on the Polish Sony BMG website.
Preferred Seating, an Australian ticket reseller, has added a waitlist for Tori to their website. While this is no guarantee that there are any plans for Tori to play in Australia on this tour, it does bode well for her to return to Oz. Thanks to Marissa and Phoebe for letting us know!
Extra! Extra! Check out Your Daily Nibble Of Pointless Things. We know the person running this blog — a member of the media — and we can confirm that this is absolutely legit.
Two new American Doll Posse promotional photos have surfaced:
We don’t know any details about these photos, such as where they came from or how they fit into the themes of the record, but … click on the thumbnails for higher quality copies of the images! Woo!
A second Austrian show has been added to the tour. Tori will be playing at the Kasemattenbühne in Graz, Austria on June 27th.
Thanks to BMac for the alert.
WYEP’s Saturday Special on Tori we previously reported on just started broadcasting and it turned out to be Rhino Records’ Fade to Red radio special where Tori discusses the videos on the DVD collection. I’m sure most of us were hoping for something a little more current that might drop a few more hints about the new album. Alas!
However, all is not lost as Tori placed tenth in WYEP’s Top 50 Women in Music, as voted on by the station’s listeners. She’s in good company as the nine women who precede her are, in order, Joni Mitchell, Aretha Franklin, Bonnie Raitt, Janis Joplin, Billie Holiday, Carole King, Emmylou Harris, Lucinda Williams, and Patti Smith. WYEP aired a special yesterday afternoon during which DJ Rosemary Welsch counted them down. That program will be rebroadcast on Saturday, March 31st starting at 9:00 AM ET.
Finally, we previously mentioned the two Discumentaries about Little Earthquakes and Under the Pink WYEP has available for your streaming pleasure. They also have two other streaming clips taken from Tori’s March 16, 2003 appearance on WYEP’s Club Cafe. The two clips each include a short interview segment and one song: “a sorta fairytale” and “Upside Down”. The Realaudio streams can be found in WYEP’s Below the Surface archives.
Update: The cover for the album has not been finalized yet. We’re told the final decision will be made over the next few days. We’ll let you know when the artwork has been definitively chosen.
Apologies for the undue excitement.
Dutch Toriphile Sprk has written an early review of American Doll Posse. You’ll definitely want to check it out.
Among other things, he says that:
(Oh, and if anyone is in Sprk’s neighborhood, take the boy a box of Kleenex.)
Abby alerted us that Tori is currently losing out against the Pixies on Band Madness! Tori currently has 542 votes and the Pixies have 1178.
How can this be? Rally, troops! Fight! Win! Don’t make us get all ZOMG!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!