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Tori is touring in 2017 to support the release of Native Invader. The European legs runs from early September through early October and the North American leg runs from late October to early December. We do not know if additional dates elsewhere will be added.
Be sure to check out our other sections, Tour — where setlists and other concert-related material will be updated daily while Tori is on tour — and You. Lots of interesting stuff!
It’s time to break these images we wake up with and use because it’s comfortable for you or your family. Maybe there’s a side of you that you haven’t explored and should explore to become better for yourself. With all of this work being done, we will set the stage for political change. We can just be hopeful.
Tori got the Last Word in the January issue of Instinct, ruminating in the self-written article on politics, sexuality, personality and the music industry. Since she discusses her plans for the recently concluded tour, one assumes that it was penned last year before hitting the road. Perhaps most interestingly, she posits in the piece that Posse member Isabel has had relationships with both men and women. (Shhhhh! Don’t tell the folks at!)
Check out her article on Instinct’s website or read it below. Thanks to the several people who sent this in: Howard, Andre, james, Nathan and Saar.
Karen/toritattoo kindly transcribed Tori’s responses during the interview she did for Polish radio Speedie told us about last week. The questions were in Polish, so they are inferred from Tori’s responses in the transcript below.
Thanks to her for sending this in!
But I chose years ago that being an ignorant musician is not sexy, to me. It’s all about educating yourself about how [the music industry] works without getting demoralized about it. You have a fantasy about what it’s going to be, and the reality is not what that is. And that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the creative process, but I have to protect that side and shelter that side, and that has taken some doing.
The following interview, in which Tori rather matter-of-frankly discusses touring and the music industry and mentions Autumn 2009 as the emergence of The Light Princess musical, appeared in the December 13th edition of The Santa Barbara Independent. It’s an interesting read though we’re as curious about the “failed marriages” comment in the introduction as the rest of you. Tori, do you have another skeleton in your closet besides Y Kant Tori Read?
Thanks to Kimberly for the link!
Update: The Independent also published an interview with Yoav that may be of interest to some….
It’s up to each one of us women to start asking the right questions now. And I had to talk to women about what they were feeling in order for them to then say ‘OK — now that I’ve looked at my own personal life, I can look at how I feel about my own country, the world, and the rights for women in 10 years.’ I mean, seriously — where’s that going to be?
The following article appeared in the December 5th edition of Bay Ares newspaper The Examiner. Thanks to Kimberly for bringing it to our attention!
Tori Amos plays with her ‘Doll Posse’
Dec 5, 2007 3:00 AM (3 days ago) by Tom Lanham, The Examiner
In a way [Kevyn Aucoin’s] expertise of how to turn a woman into a different character really influenced me. He knows how to do it from the outside, and I started thinking about, “Well, how do you do it from the inside?”
While this brief interview from the December 1st edition of The Arizona Republic doesn’t really broach any new subjects, Tori does give Strange Little Girls and Kevyn Aucoin a nod of gratitude for the genesis of American Doll Posse and also touches on the subject of celebrity.
It’s a real blast because you don’t know what the show is going to be until, I don’t know, you have an hour before the show to change it And God knows, something might have happened at five o’clock that afternoon on the news in that town. And you say we have to do Isabel tonight. It’s a political issue. We have to do Isabel. And those are the decisions that get made.
Alan Sculley’s piece in The Miami SunPost also appeared in the November 30th edition of The Columbian, with some slight semantic differences, to promote this week’s show at Arlene Schnitzer Hall in Portland. Even though it’s essentially the same, we present it here again in its entirety for completeness’ sake. Enjoy!
We’re a laughing stock in the world right now. We are a joke. And when you go out into the world, people are intimidated by [Hilary Clinton]. Quite frankly, that’s what I would want in our president. I don’t want somebody who’s going to sit and bake cookies and sing me lullabies. I have a mom who can do that.
Chad Dryden’s fairly long interview with Tori appeared in the November 30th edition of the Idaho Statesman, leading up to the concert in Boise that evening. The Statesman also kindly provides several mp3 downloads of Tori’s complete responses to three of his questions so you can hear them in her own words — check out the Media sidebar on their site for those!
Thanks to Kimberly and Christoff for sending this in.
That’s how we’ve been not as powerful within ourselves for centuries,” Amos says. “So you bring the mother image in with the sexual image, which is liberating. All mothers should look at themselves in the mirror and say, “I’m a MILF.’ It’s just not accepted. That’s why I did it.
There was a short interview published in the Colorado Springs Independant Newspaper on the 21st of November 2007. We already know how hot miss T is. Purrr.
If you make a record and it’s nice – and I’ve made those records before – they’re lovely and blah, blah, blah. But when you make a work that’s supposed to push people’s buttons and you do push people’s buttons, you can’t get nervous. That’s where being around a long time comes in, the experience comes in.
There was an interesting interview published on the 24th of November 2007 in the Rocky Mountain News. Tori talks about how A Piano was more or less an end of the first part of her career, how this tour has been something she hasn’t done before. And how the dolls crawl under her skin, more than ‘acting’. A big thank you to Kimberly, you rock!
This short article in The Denver Post by Ricardo Baca (Denver Post’s Pop Music Critic) is a nice descriptive piece about the moment in 1994 when he became a Toriphile. The title of the article says it all.
Track 8 came on and changed everything