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Tori is touring in 2017 to support the release of Native Invader. The European legs runs from early September through early October and the North American leg runs from late October to early December. We do not know if additional dates elsewhere will be added.
Be sure to check out our other sections, Tour — where setlists and other concert-related material will be updated daily while Tori is on tour — and You. Lots of interesting stuff!
Chris Azzopardi got the opportunity to interview Tori for Between The Lines, a weekly newspaper serving Michigan’s LGBT community, prior to the show in Detroit earlier this week. The article appeared in the October 25th edition of the paper and is also available online. Thanks to Robert Beard for letting us know!
Thanks to AmyWaz for pointing out this article previewing tonight’s show at the Riverside Theatre that appeared in the November 1st edition of MKE, a free weekly publication in Milwaukee. While there’s nothing really new here (aside from the fact that Santa likes to play “Raspberry Swirl” — who knew?!?), it’s a good, tidy piece for the uninitiated.
I guess in a way, all my life I’ve been collecting as a composer, listening to The Doors and Bowie. It’s been there, but until I really understood, say for this record, that we were playing with the female archetypes, the ancient archetypes of the goddesses, that I decided that we had to go musically to the rock gods. It was a clear-cut choice with the musicians and with the engineers that the arrangements to this, we had our bench marks, and we knew for instance, “Father’s Son” was really influenced by The Doors in the production of it.
RebeccaZ informed us that there’s an interview in this week’s Time Out Chicago (Issue 140: November 1 – November 7, 2007).
What I understand about that is, when you get rejected as a composer for so many years, if you are a capable composer, you can pretty much compose anything. And my natural inclination as a writer was not going to be thwarted by the record companies. And I couldn’t sing in another bar for much longer. I’d done it for 11 years. So everybody has a different breaking point. And I realized, unless I would write something that they felt they would sign, I was never gonna get out. So, of course, I chose to give them what I thought was a contemporary sound at the time: a pop-rock record. And I guess when you shop at Retail Slut one too many times, that’s what it’s going to look like.
There was an interview published, in the Cleveland Scene on October 31, 2007. A fuller version of the piece was posted on the Cleveland Scene’s C-Notes blog and also appeared in the November 8th edition of The Nashville Scene. Thanks to Parker for this one!
Update: The editted version also appeared in the Broward-Palm Beach New Times with the full one appearing in their corresponding CrossFade blog.
The Republicans play dirty. It doesn’t matter if they drag our country to her knees and gang rape her.
The Cleveland Free Times (volume 15, issue 26) published a short but interesting interview on October 31, 2007. Check it out!
I think the [Eminem’s] ‘’97 Bonnie and Clyde’ read was powerful, because the song itself – you have a woman murdered in the back, I took the point of view that she wasn’t quite yet dead. And all men have to remember: When their wives aren’t quite yet dead, that’s the most dangerous five minutes.
Toni forwarded us this interview from Cleveland, Ohio’s C-Notes which takes the unusual approach of studying the characters and perspectives of all Tori’s albums, one at a time. Check it out.
Piano Girl: Before she plays Cleveland, Tori Amos talks with C-Notes
I mean, [Tash has] asked me, “What’s a lesbian? What’s a gay guy?” And I’ll explain, “Well, it’s when a woman marries a woman, or when a man marries a man.” We use the word “marry” because she understands that. And the trick here is finding the word association that brings a picture to her mind so that she can understand. Sometimes you can use all kinds of jargon and it doesn’t mean anything to her. She just turned seven, so the physicality of what’s involved is … well, she can watch movies where people kiss and she kind of tilts her head and looks at it. I think she can feel things within herself as most children do, but that doesn’t mean that in any way you’re ready to have a sexual conversation.
Leah tipped us off to this Tori interview from AOL’s Spinner magazine.
Tori Amos Talks Lesbians, Love and Lucifer
There’s a point when you are the new artist, the first record and you’re the ‘it’ girl, there’s a certain kind of adrenaline rush with that. And what you don’t understand when it’s happening is that’s the easiest bit you’ll ever have to do. What’s difficult is when you’re not the ‘it’ girl and somebody else is, and then you have to start building for yourself your own sonic architecture. Peter Gabriel talked to me about this years ago. He said, “This is all nice and good, but I’m more interested in how you’re going to develop as a composer and how you’re going to make this your life. And that really stayed with me.
Valerie Leonard typed up and sent us this interview, which ran this week in the Lake County, Ohio News-Herald.
Power of the “Posse”
Tori Amos enlists the help of a group of alter egos for her latest creative effort.
I mean in the old days, I’m playing my heart out right, and no matter how it happens, I become a poodle. But now you’re playing and you’re sweating and you have this perfect coif. And you think Yes! There is a Goddess.
BENT magazine’s interview with Tori, originally conducted around the time of American Doll Posse‘s release, is now available online.
The Posse of One
Jeff Miers previewed the upcoming show at the Shea Performing Arts Center in Buffalo for the Buffalo News. Although he seems to imply that Tori will perform as all five members of the Doll Posse and mistakenly says there will be no opener (Yoav might take exception to that!), it will hopefully bring in some curious souls to the show tonight.
Thanks to Mike Fisher for pointing this out!