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In Memory Of Violet's Husband, Kim Flint
1969 - 2010

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    Tour Status

    Tori is touring in 2017 to support the release of Native Invader. The European legs runs from early September through early October and the North American leg runs from late October to early December. We do not know if additional dates elsewhere will be added.

    Other News Sources
    Current Release

    Native Invader (album, 2017)
    Recent Releases

    Unrepentant Geraldines (album, 2014)

    Gold Dust (album, 2012)

    Night of Hunters (album, 2011)

    Midwinter Graces (album, 2009)
    Abnormally Attracted To Sin (album, 2009)

    Live at Montreux 1991/1992 (DVD, 2008)

    American Doll Posse (album, 2007)

    A Piano (boxed set, 2006)

    Pretty Good Years
    (bio, 2006)

    Fade To Red
    (DVD, 2006)
    Cherries On Top
    comic book tattoo Comic Book Tattoo (book, 2008)

    Tori Amos News

    Be sure to check out our other sections, Tour — where setlists and other concert-related material will be updated daily while Tori is on tour — and You. Lots of interesting stuff!

    Music Express Interview Re-run Redux

    Tuesday, January 15, 2008 | 04:01 UTC | Posted by woj | TV/Radio/Web

    Thanks to Mara for catching that Dave Fanning’s 2005 Music Express interview with Tori will be reaired two more times this week on Ovation:

    • Thursday, January 17, 2008 – 10:00 PM EST
    • Friday January 18, 2008 – 1:00 AM EST

    While we still don’t have many details about this interview (unless someone is holding out on us!), a quick search turned up a clip of the interview posted by Ovation on YouTube just a week or so ago:

    Hopefully, someone can catch this and maybe share a transcript or some screenshots….

    American Doll Posse: Making the List

    Monday, January 14, 2008 | 01:39 UTC | Posted by woj | Releases

    While it didn’t make The Buffalo News’ Jeff Miers’ Top 10 albums of 2007, American Doll Posse did rank an honorable mention in a follow-up article listing notable releases by women that didn’t make his Top 10, saying:

    Tori Amos, “American Doll Posse” (Sony): An incredibly ambitious and overtly dense album, but worth the investment of time required to unravel it. Classic Tori, then.

    Read on for instances of American Doll Posse making 2007 year-end lists.


    Daily Nexus Concert Review (January 10, 2007)

    Sunday, January 13, 2008 | 23:18 UTC | Posted by woj | Reviews,Touring

    Between the late publish date (presumably due to the break between semesters) and our post-tour lull, we somehow missed this review of the Santa Barbara concert, despite the fact that Kimberly told us about it! The review appeared in the January 10th edition of The Daily Nexus, the University of California at Santa Barbara’s student newspaper.

    Bouncing Off Clouds

    By Dianne Jobson / Staff Writer
    Published Thursday, January 10, 2008
    Issue 52 / Volume 88


    Little Blue World Contests & Winter 2008

    Tuesday, January 08, 2008 | 05:23 UTC | Posted by Angela | Toriphiles

    This is the final week to enter the holiday sweepstakes of fanzine Little Blue World as it ends on January 15, 2008. There are prizes (some signed) for three randomly chosen entries. Ordering back issues, extending or starting a subscription will enter you automatically, but no purchase is required to win.

    LBW’s winter issue will ship soon. Contents include:

    • Interviews: exclusive with support performer Joshua Radin on opening for Tori and with feminist scholar Patricia Leavy who talks Tori, feminism and music in today’s world.
    • Special focus: Tori on Tour. “Reinterpreting the Girls”: Live Dolls transform Tori classics. “VIPs For a Day”: Two fans share their Gold and Platinum ticket experiences.
    • Feature Articles: “Dispatches and Polaroids 1998-2008”: Checking in ten years on at The Choirgirl Hotel (Part 1). “And All That Could Have Been With Their NINE INCH NAILS”: A brief look at the complex history of Tori Amos and Trent Reznor. “Tori and Place” Part 2.
    • Plus regular features like News, Reviews, Expert and their quarterly comic.

    Also, don’t forget their photo contest, ending February 1, 2008. Five prizes will be awarded, including more signed memorabilia, for the best photos of Tori.

    See their website for more about the fanzine, the contests or how to subscribe.

    A Comic Book Tattoo

    Tuesday, January 08, 2008 | 05:14 UTC | Posted by woj | Cherries

    While Gerard Way’s SPIN article confirming the upcoming comic book tribute anthology we reported on earlier has yet to surface on SPIN’s website, Chris Arrant has posted a scan of the article on his website, with a blow-up of the excerpt of the article addressing the project:

    Similarly, the fantastical art pop of Tori Amos has inspired a still untitled anthology of comics based on her songs. “Obviously, I’ll need to have a level of trust to turn these songs over to each writer,” Amos says. “With the unknown, there can be a feeling of reticence, but that in itself can be sexy.” More than 70 cartoonists have signed up so far. “This is something that Tori and I have been talking about doing for at least 15 years,” says editor Rantz A. Hoseley.

    Chris, who, with artist Star St. Germain will have a story in the collection, also drops the news that the collection will be entitled Comic Book Tattoo. reports that the collection, to be published by Image Comics, will include contributions from Chris Arrant, Colleen Doran (YAY!), Star St. Germain, Derek McCulloch, Lea Hernandez, Neil Kleid, Leah Moore, John Reppion, Hope Larson and Pia Guerra.

    Finally, also indicates that David Mack has confirmed he’s contributed to the collection as well as completed a painting for a Tori Amos calendar.

    The Best Of The World Cafe Includes Tori

    Tuesday, January 08, 2008 | 03:07 UTC | Posted by woj | Cherries

    An excerpt of David Dye’s May 18, 1992 interview with Tori was published in The Best Of World Cafe, a collection of conversations from the NPR radio program World Cafe. The published interview is not complete, including only Tori and David’s discussion between the airing of “Leather” from Little Earthquakes through Tori’s live performance of “Silent All These Years”. (A full transcript, for those who are interested, can be found on

    The book, published last November by Running Press, is available from the NPR shop, Powell’s,, and, undoubtedly, many other booksellers as well.

    The book does include a bonus DVD documenting the history of WXPN and The World Cafe. The DVD, however, does not include any Tori footage.

    The Radio 2 Music Club Guide To Tori

    Tuesday, January 08, 2008 | 02:49 UTC | Posted by woj | TV/Radio/Web

    Tori was featured briefly on Simon Mayo’s BBC Radio 2 Music Club tonight, January 7th, during the “Music Club Guide” segment of the program. When he interviewed her last year, he asked her to select the song of hers that she felt was crucial to understanding her music — “Silent All These Years” — as well as a song by another artist that influenced her — Jimi Hendrix’s “Hey Joe”. The two tracks, along with Tori’s comments on them, were broadcast tonight.

    While the program has already aired, you can listen to an archived RealAudio stream for the next week via the BBC’s iPlayer. The segments starts about 15 minutes into the program. And those of you in the UK, can download the program as a podcast.

    Thanks to Roz for the heads up and james for the follow-up!

    ManiaTV Interview

    Friday, January 04, 2008 | 04:50 UTC | Posted by woj | TV/Radio/Web

    Tori sat down with ManiaTV’s Christy back in December for an hour-long special on The Daily Indie. The entire episode can be streamed in glorious Flash video on their site. The program features their conversation as well as videos of several of Tori’s songs.

    Thanks to Robert Schrader for turning this tidbit up!

    Instinct Article (January 2008)

    Friday, January 04, 2008 | 04:39 UTC | Posted by woj | Articles

    It’s time to break these images we wake up with and use because it’s comfortable for you or your family. Maybe there’s a side of you that you haven’t explored and should explore to become better for yourself. With all of this work being done, we will set the stage for political change. We can just be hopeful.

    Tori got the Last Word in the January issue of Instinct, ruminating in the self-written article on politics, sexuality, personality and the music industry. Since she discusses her plans for the recently concluded tour, one assumes that it was penned last year before hitting the road. Perhaps most interestingly, she posits in the piece that Posse member Isabel has had relationships with both men and women. (Shhhhh! Don’t tell the folks at!)

    Check out her article on Instinct’s website or read it below. Thanks to the several people who sent this in: Howard, Andre, james, Nathan and Saar.


    PR3 MiniMax Interview Transcript (December 23, 2007)

    Friday, January 04, 2008 | 03:58 UTC | Posted by woj | Articles,TV/Radio/Web

    Karen/toritattoo kindly transcribed Tori’s responses during the interview she did for Polish radio Speedie told us about last week. The questions were in Polish, so they are inferred from Tori’s responses in the transcript below.

    Thanks to her for sending this in!