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In Memory Of Violet's Husband, Kim Flint
1969 - 2010

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    Tour Status

    Tori is touring in 2017 to support the release of Native Invader. The European legs runs from early September through early October and the North American leg runs from late October to early December. We do not know if additional dates elsewhere will be added.

    Other News Sources
    Current Release

    Native Invader (album, 2017)
    Recent Releases

    Unrepentant Geraldines (album, 2014)

    Gold Dust (album, 2012)

    Night of Hunters (album, 2011)

    Midwinter Graces (album, 2009)
    Abnormally Attracted To Sin (album, 2009)

    Live at Montreux 1991/1992 (DVD, 2008)

    American Doll Posse (album, 2007)

    A Piano (boxed set, 2006)

    Pretty Good Years
    (bio, 2006)

    Fade To Red
    (DVD, 2006)
    Cherries On Top
    comic book tattoo Comic Book Tattoo (book, 2008)

    Tori Amos News

    Be sure to check out our other sections, Tour — where setlists and other concert-related material will be updated daily while Tori is on tour — and You. Lots of interesting stuff!

    The American Doll Posse Promo Note

    Thursday, October 25, 2007 | 05:48 UTC | Posted by woj | Releases

    As some may recall, a copy of hand-written note from Tori was enclosed with early promotional copies of American Doll Posse. Martijn, who described this letter in his early review of the album, has received a copy of the letter and has shared it with Toriphiles ‘round the world. A transcript of the note can be found below the scans Martijn sent our way. Thanks!

    Dear Confidant,

    That these are ‘Troubled Times’ is no secret. Through a songwriter’s eye, I observe. I observe, like you, the war. The traumatic weather patterns. The tragedies. I, like you, can’t just turn my back on this very fragile Blue Ball that is our only known hope of existence.

    But perhaps unlike you, I may get stopped in a store, on the street or in a Starbucks where a young woman in line taps me on the arm… And through tears of raw pain whispers, “What can I do? My boyfriend had to go fight. I hate those bastards behind this Satanic war. I may never hold him again.” Her voice breaks with her last words, “never hold him again.” She asks for a hug and then quickly exits the line coffeeless.

    Her words play over and over… “What can I do?”

    Not so long ago, a 15 year old looking young woman came up to me and asked, ‘So are you making a new CD soon?’

    I laughed at the time and confided, ‘Well, I’m workin’ on it.’ As she made a move to continue on her way, she paused and turned around. And with 1,000 tears fighting to keep from falling she spoke “Well, then tell it like it Fucking is. The war isn’t just out there somewhere you know? I live in a Fucking War.”

    She walked away.

    Maybe these 2 women will never know the impact that they had on me and this project.

    American Doll Posse is my response.

    Tori Amos

    The 2008 Tori Amos RAINN Benefit Calendar

    Thursday, October 25, 2007 | 05:22 UTC | Posted by woj | RAINN

    The 2008 Tori Amos RAINN Benefit Calendar is now available from RAINN’s store! This yearly tradition is an excellent way to support the United States’ largest anti-sexual assault organization, which Tori helped found. The calendar includes an extra month and features a poster-sized centerfold image and, as always, is a limited edition.

    Thanks to Kat for the tip!

    Teen Ink ADP Review (October 2007)

    Thursday, October 25, 2007 | 04:54 UTC | Posted by woj | Reviews

    The October 2007 issue of Teen Ink, a website and national print magazine written by teens, includes this review of American Doll Posse in their Music Reviews section. Kids these days, huh?


    La Presse Concert Review (October 22, 2007)

    Thursday, October 25, 2007 | 04:45 UTC | Posted by woj | Reviews,Touring

    Amanda pointed out Paul Journet’s review of the Montreal concert for La Presse. The review is in French, but we hope to have an English translation of the piece for all the non-Francophones (including yours truly) shortly. Jump the cut for the original article and another photo — this article will be updated when we have a translation added.


    Hmmm. Free Tori Tickets Make Me Smile!

    Thursday, October 25, 2007 | 04:26 UTC | Posted by woj | Touring

    AmyWaz noticed that Minneapolis radio station Cities97 is holding a contest for a pair of tickets to the November 7th Minneapolis show at the Northrup Auditorium. To enter, tell Cities97, in 100 words or less, what makes you smile. The winner will receive two tickets to the show and dinner.

    As always, read the rules before you enter. Or after you enter, if that’s the way you roll.

    Update: Guess we should read the contest rules before posting a link. Looks like those rules are for a different contest — the Michelob Golden Draft Light “Smooth Ride” Sweepstakes. We’ve dropped Cities97 a line to let them know about this confusion….

    Buffalo: Tonight's Forecast, Partly Clydey

    Thursday, October 25, 2007 | 04:15 UTC | Posted by woj | Touring

    Clyde opened tonight’s concert at Shea’s Performing Arts Center in Buffalo, NY. Tori appeared to be have matters meteorological on her mind as clouds dominated the songs she selected to perform. The set included the second performance of “Your Cloud” on the tour, “Take To The Sky”, “Cloud On My Tongue”, and “Concertina”. “Upside down” made an appearance during Clyde’s set and “Here. In My Head” was the other song played during T & Bö. Thanks once again to iciclespark for texting the setlist in, which you can find in full on the Buffalo page in the Tour section.

    Were you there? Care to share your thoughts on the evening? We hope you do! Use the comment form on the concert page to let Undented’s readers know what you thought of the performance.

    This concert is currently available for purchase as a digital download from Legs & Boots.

    Bride of Green Screen: The Bouncing Off Clouds Video Contest!

    Thursday, October 25, 2007 | 04:03 UTC | Posted by woj | Releases,Toriphiles

    Since the official video for “Bouncing Off Clouds” is pretty much the official video for “Big Wheel,” it should come as no surprise that Sony is holding a contest to produce a video for the song “Bouncing Off Clouds”. As with the “Big Wheel” video contest, they’re providing a selection of performance footage for you to work with — or not, as the case may be — to use to create a video for the song.

    Once you’ve made your video, upload it to the Bouncing Off Clouds Green Screen Video Contest YouTube group and enter the contest officially using the form on the contest page. You’ll also need to send a broadcast-quality copy of your video to Epic Records.

    The full details — along with the all-important contest rules — can be found at the contest page on Sony’s website.

    Thanks to Marlina for the tip and good luck to all who endeavor to participate!

    Washington, DC Show Time Update!

    Thursday, October 25, 2007 | 02:42 UTC | Posted by woj | Touring

    Attention those attending the show at DAR Constitution Hall in Washington, DC on October 26th! Per Everything Tori, the show time for the concert has been moved up approximately 30 minutes. Yoav will now start his opening set at 7:35pm and Tori will take the stage around 8:15pm. Please plan accordingly!

    Tori On The Last Broadcast

    Wednesday, October 24, 2007 | 21:48 UTC | Posted by woj | TV/Radio/Web

    According the their program listing, there will be some live Tori Amos footage included during The Last Broadcast on the Irish television station RTE2 tonight at 11:30pm local time.

    Thanks to lucy who found an article in The Daily Mirror mentioned the program! Hopefully a few people are able to see and maybe record whatever it is that is shown!

    Toronto Star Concert Review (October 24. 2007)

    Wednesday, October 24, 2007 | 16:48 UTC | Posted by woj | Reviews,Touring

    The Toronto Star also weighed in on the concert at the Sony Centre, publishing Ashante Infantry’s review in their October 24th edition. Check it out on their website or below. Thanks to char for catching this and letting us know!