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During tours, we do our best to cover setlists in real-time on Twitter. If you want to tweet a show in, just DM or @ us on the day and tell us to watch your stream that night.
Tori is touring in 2017 to support the release of Native Invader. The European legs runs from early September through early October and the North American leg runs from late October to early December. We do not know if additional dates elsewhere will be added.
Be sure to check out our other sections, Tour — where setlists and other concert-related material will be updated daily while Tori is on tour — and You. Lots of interesting stuff!
NME has reported on all the recent Tori news including the new album, the visuallettes and the Savoy Theatre concert. Two tidbits pop out as new news through.
First, “Welcome to England” will be released as a single, at least in the UK, on May 25th, a week after the album’s release. They don’t say if this will be a physical release or only a digital single though, based on many of the questions we got for the still-forthcoming Spinner interview, most fans sure would hope for the former!
Second, in the track list NME posts, there is a bonus track: “Oscar’s Theme.”
Update: Several people have noted that this could be a reference to Oscar the dog, Martian Engineering’s most recent employee. We’d like to hope so but you never know!
Thanks to Danny, Alberto and Dardo for the tip!
Read on for the article…
Just a quick note to let you know we finally put up a vendor listing for Abnormally Attracted To Sin along with an info page on the album itself. You can find both links in our right column under the Upcoming Release heading.
We’re going to be very selective with the list of vendors this time, linking only to the most reliable vendors that have the best prices. Right now, we only have two — their prices are pretty darn good and we haven’t seen any other place that beats them. If you know of a vendor in your part of the world that is a more convenient option for fans in your region, let us know and we’ll add them.
There’s not a whole lot on either page yet, but you will find these three lovely piccies of Tori on the AATS info page (sent in by Konstantina).
Ah, so it doesn’t go “And-a I would walk 500 miles, and-a I would walk 500 more…”
Thanks to Mike Holliday.
This is a partial recording from KGSR that surfaced today (the first part is missing). Thanks to Popbytes for putting it up.
Thanks to the many folks who let us know about this, Steffany Thomas being the first.
In a new entry on his MySpace page, John Philip Shenale documents some details of his work on Abnormally Attracted To Sin:
I wanted to xpand alittle on an email i received, asking about Tori’s new record “Abnormally Attracted To Sin” and my involvement .
I worked on 4 songs for the record.
All 4 of Tori’s creations , consumed me for the last 3 months of 08.
We used an octet for the string section on 2 songs ( 4 violins, 2 violas 2 celli.
Various synths, samplers, processes, Hammonds (A100 and solovox) and Wurly were used at times, played by Tori and me.
Tori played Bosy on 3.
Matt and Jon played on all 4.
One song i arranged the rythym section, keys and strings around Tori .
Then Matt and Jon added there magic later.
This process finished in Cornwall in December.
The ending of a wonderful record and an emotional year for me.
Well thats it for now.
I will put up more text and pics after the release.
Sounds exciting. We can’t wait!
(Thanks to Seth Miller for catching this.)
Everything Tori has gotten into the album news act with a press release-ish post confirming the May 19th release date, indicating the personnel involved in the album’s making (the usual cast of characters) and providing some additional details about the mysterious “visualettes.” According to ET, the “interlocking episodic films [that] bring to life the narrative arc of the album” will be available in a companion DVD included in the deluxe edition of the album.
Nothing else is mentioned as being part of the deluxe package but we’re hoping it includes Seven Deadly Sins trading cards and indulgences.
Update: Well I’ll be! There is a press release about this and, as luck would have it, that’s exactly what Everything Tori posted.
In a short interview posted this morning, Spinner breaks the news, presenting the cover artwork for Abnormally Attracted To Sin as well as announcing the track list for the album and indicating that it’s slated for release on May 19th.
The track list is:
1. ‘Give’
2. ‘Welcome to England’
3. ‘Strong Black Vine’
4. ‘Flavor’
5. ‘Not Dying Today’
6. ‘Maybe California’
7. ‘Curtain Call’
8. ‘Fire to Your Plain’
9. ‘Police Me’
10. ‘That Guy’
11. ‘Abnormally Attracted to Sin’
12. ’500 Miles’
13. ‘Mary Jane’
14. ‘Starling’
15. ‘Fast Horse’
16. ‘Ophelia’
17. ‘Lady in Blue’
Check out the interview at Spinner or jump the cut to read it here.
Thanks to Rabih for the quick link!
While details about the Legs & Boots best-of compilation remain sketchy, it has popped up on some European online music stores including FNAC and BOL, both with a release date of March 16th. That dovetails nicely with the March 17th date that the Canadian outfit Future Shop touted in their stores. Meanwhile, MusicTap indicates a March 31st release and Amazon just says it’s coming.
While it seems odd that nothing concrete has been announced about this, especially if its release is imminent, such a collection would not be marquee product and would not get the promotional push a new studio album would get. Still, the dearth of information about this compilation is puzzling.
Thanks to Darrell, Susana and Clément for the tips!
Update: Marc also points out that Billboard’s discography indicates a March 31st release date as well as providing an Epic catalog number.
Late last night, we started getting reports that possible new album artwork was floating around in the cyberether. Undoubtedly this is where Perez Hilton also got the pic (featured today with the caption “A visual preview of Tori Amos’ new album”).
Don’t get too excited. We have confirmation from the Tori camp that this photo is absolutely NOT related to Tori or the new album in any way and was not done by anyone associated with Tori.
So Perez, you may want to change that caption to “A cute and clever fan interpretation of Tori Amos’ new album.”