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During tours, we do our best to cover setlists in real-time on Twitter. If you want to tweet a show in, just DM or @ us on the day and tell us to watch your stream that night.
Tori is touring in 2017 to support the release of Native Invader. The European legs runs from early September through early October and the North American leg runs from late October to early December. We do not know if additional dates elsewhere will be added.
Be sure to check out our other sections, Tour — where setlists and other concert-related material will be updated daily while Tori is on tour — and You. Lots of interesting stuff!
Pretty Good Years has finally been released. I was tentative in my hopefulness when I got a message from Amazon saying my order had shipped, but yes indeed, it really did arrive. I have no idea why the publisher told us the book was back-ordered and would be available in August (they still don’t have a release date listed on their own site).
This is Undented’s overview of the book.
Rob tells us that Swedish newspaper Helsingborgs Dagblad has reported that the cover of Tori’s next album will be done by high-fashion photographer, Blaise Reuterswärd.
The article, which is actually a review of a Reuterswärd exhibition in the town of Påarp, is in Swedish, but Rob was kind enough to translate the relevant paragraph for us:
But the important thing is that they [women] seem to like having him photograph them. Many think that it is a woman who has taken my pictures, he says by way of explanation. Perhaps that is why singer Tori Amos wants him to do her next album cover. He’s come directly from a meeting with her in London on his way from New York where he also has an exhibition.
You can visit Blaise’s website to view some tantalizing samples of his work in his online portfolio. Google also contains links to a large number of pages with information and articles on Blaise as well.
Thanks to Sweet Shiseido for letting us know about this post on AOL’s Music News Blog which addresses recent activity from the Tori camp. Jessica Robertson covers the forthcoming release of A Piano: The Collection and the new album, mentioning a Spring 2007 release, and includes a new quote from Tori about her current song-writing:
“It’s a real challenge, allowing myself to not have any kind of subject limits [this time] because I was trying to protect my child,” she said of her new album. “But that’s not the only reason I’ve written what I’ve written and done what I’ve done the last five years. Now that I’ve addressed things coming from the mother, the minister’s daughter and a sexual creature, it’s time to do something else energetically. I’m not quite sure how to put it in words yet and I think it’s better to let the music speak for itself.”
The eagerly anticipated unofficial biography, Pretty Good Years, was not released on June 30th as expected. The publisher tells us that the book has been back-ordered and should be available in August.
Matt Chamberlain has updated his website again and says that he has completed tracking Tori’s new record:
Hello—-just finished tracking the new Tori Amos record out in Cornwall England. It was a really fun and intense 3 weeks of non-stop playing, eating, playing, sleeping and playing. All I can say it that it rocks! I was really excited to put my new Ludwig drums to the test and they definitely sounded really focused, subsonic, full with a nice woody tone. I tracked a few songs with some 60’s era ludwigs, some random Slingerland Radio Kings and the old trusty roundbage Gretsch kit from the 40’s really helped on a few tracks. I also really got into using Ableton Live software quite a bit which I think it probably one of the most innovative and intuitive things out there for making long-form audio/electronic loops and phrases.
Thanks to Jenny for bringing this to our attention!
Amazon Germany is showing an alternate cover for the Pretty Good Years biography than other sites.
(Thanks to timmie for letting us know about this.)
Several people have asked us if the A Piano: The Collection boxed set is the “new album” Tori was reported to be working on.
No, it is not.
A new album is currently in the works; we expect it will be released sometime in early 2007 with a tour following shortly after.
Following up on the previous item we posted about an upcoming rarities box set, Undented has received a copy of the press release containing details of the set. A PIANO: THE COLLECTION, will be a five-disc, career-spanning box set consisting of classics, rarities, demos, B-sides and unreleased tracks. And yes, indeed, very exciting news for Toriphiles … Tori will finally introduce us to five very special songs: “Not David Bowie,” “Zero Point,” “Peeping Tommi,” “Ode To My Clothes” and “Dolphin Song.”
For all fans who’ve been wondering, the publisher has confirmed for us that Pretty Good Years is not an officially authorized biography.
It appears that the release date for the new Tori Amos biography, Pretty Good Years by Jay S. Jacobs, has been pushed back to June 30th.
Thanks to Mary Katherine for letting us know about this.
(Please note that the change of release date has been confirmed by the publisher.)