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During tours, we do our best to cover setlists in real-time on Twitter. If you want to tweet a show in, just DM or @ us on the day and tell us to watch your stream that night.
Tori is touring in 2017 to support the release of Native Invader. The European legs runs from early September through early October and the North American leg runs from late October to early December. We do not know if additional dates elsewhere will be added.
Be sure to check out our other sections, Tour — where setlists and other concert-related material will be updated daily while Tori is on tour — and You. Lots of interesting stuff!
Nadia sent us a link to’s take on ADP, which mostly consists of a roundup of other critics’ take on the album.
Kim and Erin wrote in to say that American Doll Posse is getting a lot of attention on WYEP 91.3fm in Pittsburgh. ADP is the CD Of The Week, and DJs did commentary throughout the day on Monday to introduce it. They will be playing various tracks from the album all week.
Rosemary Welsch, the afternoon Mix host, had this to say about the album…
Roel tells us that over at, a photo of Tori (at the ADP release party) is #11 in their Day In Celebrities gallery for May 2nd.
Then, if you click on the “Listen Up” next to the photo, you’re taken to an article by Ken Barnes that contains the following review of ADP...
Tori Amos, American Doll Posse: * * * A hit-or-myth proposition?
BBC 6 Music has posted their review of American Doll Posse — and have broken new ground by coining the q-word! Thanks to Marae and Danny for the tip!
The Boston Globe gives American Doll Posse two thumbs up in their May 1st edition. Thanks to Lisa and Ally for sending the link in!
The Washington Post takes the same tack as The New Yorker by reviewing American Doll Posse in the light of another contemporary release. Instead of Björk, though, Tori’s foil is Feist, whose new release The Reminder is also released today in North America. Read on to see what they have to say about that. Thanks to Jenn for the link!
In this edition of the American Doll Posse review round-up, we have the critics’ opinion from The Boston Herald, The Los Angeles Times, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer,, Slant and NOW.
Additionaly, Armen points us towards which compiles ratings from several critics into one composite score for the album and also allows The Average Josephine to post their own opinion about the record.
Popmatters has posted Matt Mazur’s lengthy and positive review (8 out of 10) of American Doll Posse and The New Yorker’s May 7th issue includes a two-pronged piece which analyzes the latest albums by Tori and Björk as well as their careers in the context of these records. It also features this lovely photgraph of Tori by Jillian Edelstein. Reviews from The Associated Press, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and The New York Times have also surfaced. (Thanks to Jack, Melissae and Benjamin for sending these in!)
Thanks to MelPosch, Roz, char, Emmanuel, Dru and Jerrod for sending in reviews of American Doll Posse from The Sunday Times, San Francisco Chronicle, and Allmusic.
Christian Taylor, an editor for SameSame, got the opportunity to talk Tori for their site and has posted an article about the interview. Thanks for sending in the link, Christian — sounds like you had an excellent discussion! SameSame has also posted an audio clip from the interview as well as their review of American Doll Posse.