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During tours, we do our best to cover setlists in real-time on Twitter. If you want to tweet a show in, just DM or @ us on the day and tell us to watch your stream that night.
Tori is touring in 2017 to support the release of Native Invader. The European legs runs from early September through early October and the North American leg runs from late October to early December. We do not know if additional dates elsewhere will be added.
Be sure to check out our other sections, Tour — where setlists and other concert-related material will be updated daily while Tori is on tour — and You. Lots of interesting stuff!
Some nights, when the performances haven’t gone the way I wanted, I’ll call her up and she’ll say, “Now, look, the question is not whether or not you’re a champion. The question is what can Mama do for you?” Sometimes you just need a hug. That’s all you need from Mom, to know that, whatever you do, she’s going to love you.
Parenting website isn’t where you’d expect to find an interview with Tori about her new album but considering she just gave away a free mp3 of “Maybe California” for Mother’s Day, perhaps we shouldn’t be so surprised. As one would expect given the site’s focus, this interview features a lot of discussion about family — Tash, Mark and Tori’s parents — but also covers the well-trod ground of power and attraction and spiritual erotica, albeit with a softer bent. Read on for the rest…
Thanks to Rebecca for sending the link!
The cover article in Polari magainze that we mentioned last week has now been posted on the magazine’s website for your viewing pleasure.
If you’re Flash-o-phobic like this Web 0.1 dork, they kindly offer an HTML version of the interview as well. Very considerate of them, don’t you think? Well, I appreciate it at least!
It’s no different than if you asked my husband why he hasn’t integrated into America. He would say it is not his country, that he doesn’t want to go and try to be an American. Well I don’t want to try to be a British person. Though I like some of them very much, and there’s plenty that makes me smile about England.
Kimberly also linked us to this interview on MusicOMH. In it, Tori and the interviewer devote a fair portion of their conversation to “Welcome to England” and the differences between Americans and the British, but they also hit the required points about power and the patriarchy.
As I was moving through what I believe in, I began to get to a place where I didn’t need to get the approval of anybody’s to get my spiritual outlook. That’s where I think we stumble and you hand your power over to somebody else. My self-worth has to be based on how I feel about myself.
Tori was interviewed by Jonathan Curtiss for American Songwriter. As with most of the recent interviews, a lot of the same ground is covered but, in this relatively long conversation, Tori goes into some interesting detail about hooking back up with Doug Morris at Universal Republic, the link between Christian Lamb’s films and the new record and, yes, erotic spirituality.
Thanks to velvet for the link!
Martin Jan let us know that he got the opportunity to interview Tori for Presstext.Austria. The article is up on the site now where you can also find a couple new photographs of Tori taken by Julia Fuchs.
The interview is in German but Martin has kindly provided a rough English translation on his blog. In the article, they talk about illegal downloads, the return of official bootlegs, and, of course, the new record.
Many thanks to Martin for sharing this with everyone!
Noah alerted us to the fact that a screenshot of the first page of the previously-mentioned interview in Attitude can be found in Attitude’s Photobucket account. Even though it’s a fairly large image, it’s a little tough figuring out some of the type…so kudos to Kimberly for sending a transcript of the whole thing! Check it out below!
I started thinking we can redefine what is a sexy, powerful male. To me that’s the greatest challenge we have right now, because if we don’t, a lot of relationships are just going to be ripped apart.
The article from Reuters popped up on the wire this morning. You can find it at Yahoo!, among other places. In this interview, she continues to talk about how the current economic situation factored into the evolution of Abnormally Attracted to Sin.
Thanks to Colleen and Jessie for sending us the link!
The current issue of Attitude and the next issue of Polari both feature interviews with Tori.
The Naked Issue, issue #179 of Attitude, a leading gay magazine in the UK, is available on newsstands now and is also available for purchase online. The article is not publicly available on the site but hopefully will be added later.
Polari also has a LGBT bent and is freely available online. Tori is the cover article for issue #4, “Sci-Fi in Hi-Fi,” which will be out at the end of next week. A snippet of the article can be found on the editor’s blog, along with the lovely cover art which we’ve naturally pilfered.
Update: WENN reports that, in the Attitude interview, Tori takes umbrage California votes for pushing through the Proposition 8 referendum that overturned gay marriage in California. A tio of the hat to Trent at Pink is the New Blog for that additional tidbit.
I have to protect my private life, and I do. And I’ll do anything to protect it. I’ll lie through my teeth if I have to.
So says Tori in an article from BBC News discussing the new record. The piece also goes into more detail about the background of what moved her to write many of the songs on the album as well.
Thanks to Seren for the link!
Austrian website has an interview with Tori. While it’s in German (what do you expect? She was in Austria yesterday!), it’s not too hard to figure out that the album’s themes of erotic spirituality, attraction and power are the chief topics of the article. It also confirms that Tori will be playing Stadthalle in Vienna on September 25th with tickets going on sale on Sunday, May 9th (whoa!). And if you just read German Tori interviews for the pictures, this one has you a lovely shot by Georg Hochmuth leading it off: