Keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook pages since we often post quickie updates there when we're on-the-go.
During tours, we do our best to cover setlists in real-time on Twitter. If you want to tweet a show in, just DM or @ us on the day and tell us to watch your stream that night.
Tori is touring in 2017 to support the release of Native Invader. The European legs runs from early September through early October and the North American leg runs from late October to early December. We do not know if additional dates elsewhere will be added.
Be sure to check out our other sections, Tour — where setlists and other concert-related material will be updated daily while Tori is on tour — and You. Lots of interesting stuff!
Culture Jam is offering videos of Tori performing four songs from Midwinter Graces — “Jeanette, Isabella,” “Star of Wonder,” “A Silent Night With You” and “Pink and Glitter” — as well as an electronic press kit about the album in exchange for a little social networking. By connecting your Facebook account to Tori’s facebook or letting them post a tweet to your Twitter account, you’ll be able to view these clips.
“A Silent Night With You” and “Pink and Glitter” have already surfaced on Yahoo and AOL Music and the EPK is cribbed from the video interview included in the deluxe edition of the album so the other two songs are the new additions.
The Christmas Zoo Session recorded last week at the House of St. Banabus Chapel is now online for your streaming pleasure at The video stream includes three of the four songs performed during the seesion: “A Silent Night With You,” “Pink and Glitter” and “Winter.” The session should also be broadcast on Absolute Radio at 7:00 PM GMT — that’s just under a hour from when this article is being posted.
Absolute Radio has also added several photographs taken at the session to their photo gallery.
Thanks to Josh for catching this!
Absolute Radio recorded their several of their Christmas Zoo Sessions today — including one by Tori — at the chapel at the House of St. Banabus in Soho. Per Rami, who got the news from Rachel, Tori played four songs: “A Silent Night With You,” “Star of Wonder,” “Pink and Glitter” and “Winter.” If anyone was lucky enough to attend, we’d love to hear about the performance — please leave a comment in the Tour section.
We’re not 100% sure when the session will be broadcast (or webcast, as the case may be) but Absolute Radio lists Tori as a guest on Geoff Lloyd’s Hometime Show for Monday, December 7th at 7:00 PM GMT so that seems the likely candidate!
The latest newsletter from included one additional upcoming promotional appearance that we didn’t already know about: Tori will be the Connector of the Day on CNN’s Connect the World hosted by Becky Anderson on Wednesday, December 9th.
The program airs weekday afternoons on CNN International. Tori is slated to be on during the second half of the show, around 4:30 PM Eastern. Video of the appearance should be available on their website after the fact for those who don’t have access to the channel or miss it.
Tori appeared on The Alan Titchmarsh Show on ITV yesterday afternoon, performing “A Silent Night With You,” accompanied by a string quartet.
The entire program is available on the ITV Player for the next month, but that video stream is only available to those in the United Kingdom. For the rest of us, it’s YouTube to the rescue!
Thanks to Andrew, Eva, Melissae and Carina for the tip!
Despite the description on Janice Long’s Radio 2 website, Tori did not appear on the program on Thursday morning as advertised. However, towards the end of her show, Janice did say that she would be interviewing Tori later during the day and that their discussion would be broadcast over the next couple weeks.
On the other hand, Tori did pop in on Shaun Keaveny’s BBC 6 Music program this morning to talk about Midwinter Graces. You can stream the entire show for the next week if, like me, you didn’t know about it until after the fact. The interview starts around the 2 hour 15 minute mark of the three hour program and lasts about 15 minutes with “A Silent Night With You” played at the end of it.
Additionally, she made an appearance on Robert Elms’ BBC London show yesterday, December 3rd to talk up the record. In addition to chatting about the album, “Star of Wonder” and “A Silent Night With You.” As with the Keaveny interview, the show is archived for a week for those that missed it. The interview starts around two and a half hours into the program but you can jump right to it using the new “chapter” feature of the BBC iPlayer — Merry Christmas!
Thanks to Nina Miller and Alice for catching the BBC 6 Music and London appearances!
On Friday, December 11th at 3:00 PM EST, Tori will perform live and chat with fans over the web from New York City’s Electric Lady Studios. The webcast will be viewable at Tori’s Facebook and Livestream.
Thanks to Lucie_S and Josh for the tip!
Same Same has posted the second part of their interview with Tori. In this segment, she tackles the weighty subjects of religion, homosexuality and the gay community.
Thanks to David Michael Conner for sending the link our way!
Tori took over the Los Angeles airwaves on The Sound’s My Turn earlier this evening and spun a selection of songs of her choosing and told some fun stories about the artists in between.
The songs she played were:
The Sound also has an exclusive video interview with Tori where she discusses Abnormally Attracted to Sin and The Light Princess at the bottom of her My Turn page which is a good view as well.
Note: there is no archived stream of the program on The Sound’s website; just the track listing.
Not to be outdone by the other Australian music journalism sites, Undercover also chatted with Tori during her recent swing through the land down under. Their interview, posted in two parts, also covers a wide range of topics including the two albums released in 2009, performing live and the duet with David Byrne for Here Lies Love. Check it out on Undercover: Part 1 and Part 2.