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During tours, we do our best to cover setlists in real-time on Twitter. If you want to tweet a show in, just DM or @ us on the day and tell us to watch your stream that night.
Tori is touring in 2017 to support the release of Native Invader. The European legs runs from early September through early October and the North American leg runs from late October to early December. We do not know if additional dates elsewhere will be added.
Be sure to check out our other sections, Tour — where setlists and other concert-related material will be updated daily while Tori is on tour — and You. Lots of interesting stuff!
Barnes & Noble has added a listing for the special edition of American Doll Posse that explicitly specifies this version of the album will include a bonus DVD. Their track list for the special edition is currently identical to that of the regular edition though, so we still have no information about what the special edition will include.
Additionally, German retailer Bücher has added a listing for a vinyl release of American Doll Posse! We also have confirmation of the vinyl release from a trusted source who indicates that it will be a double-LP. It’s not clear at this time if the vinyl will be released in Europe only or not though. Regardless, fellow afficiandos of the wax, rejoice with me!
Thanks to Ellen and Darrell for these tips!
Eagle-eyed Darrin spotted a special edition of American Doll Posse being listed on It has the same release date as the album’s regular edition but a special bonus price of $24.98 (at least for the time being — no doubt the price will come down as the release date nears). Unfortunately, no other details are included in the listing, but one would assume that this the CD/DVD version of the album which is referenced on the Polish Sony BMG website.
Extra! Extra! Check out Your Daily Nibble Of Pointless Things. We know the person running this blog — a member of the media — and we can confirm that this is absolutely legit.
Two new American Doll Posse promotional photos have surfaced:
We don’t know any details about these photos, such as where they came from or how they fit into the themes of the record, but … click on the thumbnails for higher quality copies of the images! Woo!
Update: The cover for the album has not been finalized yet. We’re told the final decision will be made over the next few days. We’ll let you know when the artwork has been definitively chosen.
Apologies for the undue excitement.
Barnes & Noble’s listing for American Doll Posse now includes the track list that was confirmed over the weekend. However, in addition to the 20 songs already listed, there are three tracks at the end: “Posse Bonus,” “Smokey Joe,” and “Dragon.” It’s not exactly clear what these are. They could be tracks on the DVD of the CD/DVD release that Sony BMG Polska lists or just bonus tracks on the CD itself. Also, “Posse Bonus” sounds more like a sub-title rather than a song title and it’s not uncommon for track lists from record labels to number a division between the album and bonus tracks or bonus disc tracks as if it were a song itself.
Thanks to Rabih for the head’s up!
Sony BMG Polska has a little blurb about American Doll Posse which indicates that album’s release date in Poland will be April 30th and that there will be a CD/DVD version of the album released as well. (The page is not linkable but if you search for Tori on the artist page, the information will turn up.) At this time, we have no information about what would be on that DVD though or how widely available it would be.
Additionally, following in the footsteps of HMV, most online music retailers (all the Amazons, Barnes & Noble,, and undoubtedly others—but not, interestingly, bad-boys Buecher who, some may recall, posted clips of A Piano before they were supposed to) have added listings for the album and some area already taking pre-orders. Keep in mind that early listings will generally be full-price but prices should come down as the release date gets closer.
You’ve been bouncing off the walls for days, sweating and wondering: Is. It. True? Let there be light! A reliable source has verified that this is indeed the 20-song tracklisting for American Doll Posse.
interlude track]
Let the happydancing commence.
Several people have written in to say there’s a new song, “Secret Spill” [sic], up on everyone’s favorite site, Promosquad. None of us here have been able to pull it up, but enough people have written about it that we we wanted to mention it so that those of you with full heads of hair can go looking for it. We don’t have any left to tear out.
You can now hear long clips of two songs from American Doll Posse, “Big Wheel” and “Bouncing Off Clouds,” at Promo Squad. The site requires you to register and rate other songs before you get to hear them. Have at it!
Thanks, Christina!
Update: For those of you having trouble getting Promo Squad to serve up either of the two songs, head on over to where you can stream “Big Wheel” on demand!