Keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook pages since we often post quickie updates there when we're on-the-go.
During tours, we do our best to cover setlists in real-time on Twitter. If you want to tweet a show in, just DM or @ us on the day and tell us to watch your stream that night.
Tori is touring in 2017 to support the release of Native Invader. The European legs runs from early September through early October and the North American leg runs from late October to early December. We do not know if additional dates elsewhere will be added.
Be sure to check out our other sections, Tour — where setlists and other concert-related material will be updated daily while Tori is on tour — and You. Lots of interesting stuff!
Rachel King has been in touch with Q Radio about the previously-mentioned Tori Amos special and she has happily reported that they have finally given a date for the broadcast! While it hasn’t been posted on their site yet, deputy programme director James Walshe has confirmed that the hour-long special will be broadcast on Friday, June 26th at 9:00 PM BST.
The special will include a live session and an interview pre-recorded in the Q Radio studios — “QHQ.”
Listen live using Q Radio’s online player, through Digital TV (Sky, Freeview or Virgin) or on DAB in London.
Thanks to Rachel for keeping on top of this!
Tori has a chat with the music store Rhapsody which was filmed and posted on their blog. During the conversation, ostensibly about Abnormally Attracted to Sin, they also covered topics ranging from family to the music industry.
The three part interview is on YouTube and embedded below for your viewing pleasure.
Thanks to velvet for catching this one!
Read on for the rest…
Last week, Tori was on the BBC television program HARDtalk. While the interview is archived on the BBC iPlayer, only those in the United Kingdom can view it there. However, as you might expect, the appearance has also shown up on YouTube. Interestingly, BBC World News has posted all three segments of the interview but those videos are currently set to private. It’s not clear if that is the case for all viewers or only those outside of the UK.
In any event, also as you might expect, other users have come to the rescue and all three segments are there for the viewing. Here’s the first; jump the cut for the other two.
Thanks to heather applegreen for the tip!
Absolute Radio has posted video of the interview and Zoo Session Tori did for Absolute Radio earlier this week. During the session, she performs “Maybe California,” “Fire to Your Plain,” “Silent All These Years” and “Lady in Blue.”
They’ve also added the interview to their YouTube channel:
Thanks Velvet!
As we reported, Tori was interviewed on Radio New Zealand last weekend. LizaC contacted them about it making the interview available and they were kind enough to do so — with the songs from the album removed to avoid copyright infringement issues.
The interview was a phone-in, as you might expect, that did not include any live performance. During the conversation with RNZ’s Music Mix reporter Sam Wicks, Tori discusses the themes and inspiration for the new record, Abnormally Attracted to Sin.
If the interview is no longer in the Latest Audio section at the top of their Music archive, you’ll find it under “Amos, Tori Interview” or just click here to stream the interview in your favorite mp3 player.
Thanks also to David Treacher for his help with this!
Tori was interviewed by Stephen Sackur on the BBC News programme HARDtalk today. The episode will be repeated one more time today on BBC News at 22:30 GMT and will be available on the BBC iPlayer for 12 months — but only to those in the UK.
Thanks to Andres and Mathieu for the tip!
Just a reminder that Tori’s appearing on Craig Ferguson tonight (Monday, technically the wee hours of Tuesday morning).
And here it is!
Thanks caio (and everyone else!) for the link!
Looks like Tori’s hitting the radio promotion pavement hard this time around as Pete Lambert noticed that she’ll be on the inaugural episode of Ceslie Armstrong’s radio show on Blog Talk Radio on Monday, June 1st at 2:00 PM EDT.
Don’t fret if you can’t listen live as the program will be available on-demand afterwards.
Tori will be in session with Geoff Lloyd on his Absolute Radio Hometime Show on Monday June 1st. The program airs from 5:00 PM BST. Listen live or, if you miss it, catch the appearance on the Hometime podcast.
Thanks to lucy bennett for catching this!
According to presenter Danielle Perry, Tori visited the Q Radio studios today and recorded a hour-long special for later broadcast on Q Radio sometime in the near future. Soon as we have any details about when this will air, we’ll spread the word!